NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Political Science Free PDF Download
Here you will find NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Political Science that will useful in grasping important concepts of the chapter properly. These NCERT Solutions will help you in analyzing the problems and answering it with precision and the right concepts. You can download PDF of Class 12 Political Science NCERT Solutions that make much easier to memorize topics faster and frame better answers. Through these NCERT Solutions, students should not waste time and adopt a strategy that helps them operate and learn at maximum efficiency.
Class 12 NCERT Solutions are prepared as per the accordance of latest CBSE guidelines so you can pass with flying colours. It can be used to enrich knowledge and make lessons for learners more exciting. It is helpful in getting a deeper understanding of various topics and improving studying habits.

Political Science Class has two textbooks named, Contemporary World Politics and Politics In India Since Independence. NCERT Solutions will help in building a great foundation of concepts and make easy for the students to understand basics. It will make you understand the topics in most simple manner and grasp it easily to perform better.
NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Contemporary World Politics
Class 12 Contemporary World Politics has nine chapters will give you idea about the scope of politics to the world stage This book will help students comprehend what is happening outside and India’s relations with it. The various chapters discuss themes like on events in the “second world” of the communist countries after the Cold War.
NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Politics In India Since Independence
Class 12 Politics In India Since Independence consists of nine chapters where we will know about the India's history of the last sixty years around some major issues and themes. The first eight chapters of the book cover a certain period of this history by focussing on one issue or theme that dominated those years. The final chapter offers an overview of various issues that have emerged in the most recent period.
NCERT Solutions for Chapter 1 Challenges of nation building
NCERT Solutions for Chapter 2 Era of one-party dominance
NCERT Solutions for Chapter 3 Politics of planned development
NCERT Solutions for Chapter 4 India’s external relations
NCERT Solutions for Chapter 5 Challenges to and restoration of the Congress system
NCERT Solutions for Chapter 6 The crisis of democratic order
NCERT Solutions for Chapter 7 Rise of popular movements
NCERT Solutions for Chapter 8 Regional aspirations
NCERT Solutions for Chapter 9 Recent developments in Indian politics