CBSE Chapter wise Summary for Class 12 English Vistas Flamingo| All Chapters
Summary for Class 12 English for CBSE Board has been provided here. Students can read from these notes of class 12 English Vistas and Flamingo to understand the concepts of the chapters. These summaries are prepared by our experts so that it can be useful for the students to get good marks in their board examination. Also, by going through these chapters students will have sharp knowledge of the stories and poem from the NCERT textbook for Class 12 Flamingo. Summaries from class 12 Vistas is also given here.

Class 12 Flamingo Summary| Flamingo Class 12 English Summary
List of Chapters for Class 12 Flamingo Summary is given below. Students can read the summaries of poems as well as stories by clicking on the respective chapters.
Flamingo Class 12 Summary (Stories)
Flamingo Class 12 Summary (Poems)
Class 12 Vistas Summary| Vistas Class 12 English Summary
Chapter wise list of Summary for class 12 Vistas English CBSE.
- Chapter 1 Third Level (Deleted from Syllabus)
- Chapter 2 The Tiger King
- Chapter 3 The Enemy
- Chapter 4 Journey to the End of the Earth (Deleted from Syllabus)
- Chapter 5 Should Wizard Hit Mommy?
- Chapter 6 On the Face of It
- Chapter 7 Evans Tries an O-level
- Chapter 8 Memories of Childhood
These summaries are very important for examination purpose. By reading these summaries, students can ensure to get good marks in the examination. We hope that these CBSE Class 12 English Summary useful for the studies of the students who are studying in CBSE Board.