MCQ Questions Answers and Summary for Ode on Solitude Class 10 English Panorama Part 2 Bihar Board

Ode on Solitude - Alexander Pope MCQ and Summary

Chapter Name

Multiple Choice Questions for Ode on Solitude

Author Name

Alexander Pope

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Short Summary for Ode on Solitude by Alexander Pope

About Poet: Alexander Pope is a satirist. He was born in 1688 and died in 1744.
Some of his works are The Rape of the Lock, The Duncial, The Epistles, essay on Criticism and essay of Man.
  • In the present poem, the poet draws a beautiful picture of a happy man.
  • According to the poet, the man who is satisfied with a few acres of land inherited from his forefather is happy.
  • He lives in a native land.

MCQ Questions for Ode on Solitude Class 10 English Matric

1. A poem written in fourteen lines is called ____

(A) anode

(B) an elegy

(C) a sonnet

(D) a lyric


(C) a sonnet

2. In the poem 'Ode On Solitude' the poet draws a beautiful picture of  ____

(A) a Village

(B) a poor man

(C) a happy man

(D) a town 


(C) a happy man

3. Pope, in the poem 'Ode on Solitude', says that village people get everything except  ____

(A) Milk from herds

(B) Bread from fields

(C) Attire from flocks

(D) Money from trees


(D) Money from trees

4. In the poem 'Ode On Solitude', where is the happy man content to live?

(A) in town

(B) in his own ground

(C) in the heaven

(D) in an orchard


(B) in his own ground

5. According to the poet of 'Ode On Solitude', a happy man is satisfied with  ____

(A) a few acres of inherited land

(B) more acres of inherited land

(C) a few acres of inherited money.

(D) a lot inherited property


(A) a few acres of inherited land

6. Alexander Pope was one of the greatest  ____

(A) dramatist

(B) novelist

(C) essayist

(D) satirist


(D) satirist

7. Who gives milk to the happy man?

(A) Cattle

(B) Cow

(C) Buffalo

(D) Camel


(A) Cattle

8. In the poem 'Ode on Solitude', the poet draws a beautiful picture of a  ____man.

(A) unhappy

(B) sad

(C) happy

(D) cruel


(C) happy

9. Alexander Pope was one of the greatest satirist of the early ____ century.

(A) 18th

(B) 19th

(C) 20th

(D) 16th


(A) 18th

10. When does a happy man get sleep?

(A) At night

(B) During the day

(C) During the morning

(D) During the evening


(A) At night

11. The Poet wants to live unseen and ____

(A) painfully

(B) unknown

(C) quietly

(D) publicly


(B) unknown

12. In Ode On Solitude, the poet says that a happy man wants to  ____ unlamented.

(A) sleep

(B) think

(C) die

(D) live


(C) die

13. Happy man has no ____

(A) health

(B) land

(C) money

(D) care


(D) care

14. Meditation  ____the happy man.

(A) pleases

(B) sadness

(C) worries

(D) angry


(A) pleases

15. A happy man is satisfied by the property inherited by him from his ____

(A) mother

(B) uncle

(C) father

(D) cousin


(C) father

16. Alexander Pope was also a ____

(A) thinker

(B) philosopher

(C) critic

(D) reformer


(C) critic

17. From where does he get his clothes ?

(A) from leather of animals

(B) from cultivation

(C) from woods

(D) from his flocks and sheep


(D) from his flocks and sheep

18. The Poet does not want to mark the place where he is ____

(A) sitting

(B) hiding

(C) crying

(D) buried


(D) buried

19. The poet is content to breathe his ___

(A) fresh air

(B) native air

(C) open air

(D) none of these


(B) native air

20. The poet enjoys shades of trees in ____

(A) winter

(B) summer

(C) rainy season

(D) autumn


(B) summer

21. A happy man spends his time ____

(A) growing crops

(B) playing cricket

(C) studying books

(D) enjoying travelling


(C) studying books

22. What does the poet wish after death?

(A) No body expresses sorrow

(B) To place tomb stone

(C) No rest

(D) None of these


(A) No body expresses sorrow

23. Alexander Pope was born in ____

(A) 1666

(B) 1668

(C) 1688

(D) 1680


(C) 1688

24. Ode is a poem ____

(A) addressed to a person

(B) addressed to a gentleman

(C) addressed to a lady

(D) addressed to a unknown man


(A) addressed to a person

25. What is meant by 'herds'?

(A) People

(B) Cattle

(C) Group

(D) Gang


(B) Cattle

26. How does the poet desire to sleep?

(A) soundly

(B) comfortly

(C) luxuriously

(D) soflty


(A) soundly

27. A happy man enjoys sound sleep at ____

(A) evening

(B) morning

(C) night

(D) day


(C) night

28. Who gives a happy man his bread ?

(A) His bakery

(B) His trees

(C) His fields

(D) His herds


(C) His fields

29. According to the poet, a happy man is one who ____

(A) is strong

(B) has a car

(C) is content

(D) is rich


(C) is content

30. The poet is 'Ode on Solitude' wants to live ____

(A) seen

(B) unseen

(C) remembered

(D) praised


(B) unseen

31. The happy man is ____ to breathe his native air.

(A) content

(B) sad

(C) cruel

(D) unable


(A) content

32. 'Ode on Solitude' has been written by ____

(A) Walter de la Mare 

(B) John Keats

(C) William Wordsworth

(D) Alexander Pope


(D) Alexander Pope

33. According to Pope, a man is happy he is ____

(A) rich

(B) contented

(C) famous

(D) poor


(B) contented

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