Women Change the World Extra Questions Chapter 5 Class 7 Civics
Chapter 5 Women Change the World Class 7 Civics Extra Questions which will help you a lot in scoring high marks in the tests and will improve your learning habits. Extra Questions for Class 7 will let you knowing the important points given inside the chapter.

Chapter 5 Women Change the World Very Short Answer Questions (VSAQs):
1. Why was Ramabai given the title 'Pandita'?
Because she could read and write Sanskrit, a remarkable achievement as women in those days were not allowed to gain such knowledge.
2. Why women are considered as better nurse?
Because they are more patient and gentle.
3. In most families, once girls finish school, they are encouraged by their family to see ________as their main aim in life.
4. Ramabai also work for the betterment of ___________ and poor women.
5. Name the first known autobiography written by an Indian woman
Amar Jiban.
6. Name the place where Rokeya Sakhawat Hossain started a school for girls.
7. What do you mean by sexual harrasement?
Sexual harassment refers to physical or verbal behaviour that is of a sexual nature and against the wishes of a woman.
8. State some reasons that forces girls to leave school and studies.
Poverty, inadequate schooling facility and discrimination.
9. Why women were not allowed to read and write English?
It was believed that English was a language that would expose girls to new ideas, which people thought were not correct for them.
10. Name the book whose one of the page was taken out secretly by Rashsundari Devi.
Chaitanya Bhagabat.
11. International Women’s day is celebrated on _________.
8th March.
12. Name the women whose daughter was murdered for dowry and she became an active member of the movement against dowry death.
Chapter 5 Women Change the World Short Answer Questions (SAQs):
1. What changes came to be seen in the field of education in the nineteenth century?
The nineteenth century witnessed the emergence of many new ideas about education and learning. Schools became more common and communities that had never learnt reading and writing started sending their children to school. Although girls’ education was opposed, yet many women and men made efforts to open schools for girls. Women struggled to learn to read and write.
2. How did the Mission in Khelagaon near Pune help widows and poor women?
Widows and poor women came to the Mission where they were encouraged not only to become literate but to be independent. They were taught a variety of skills from carpentry to running a printing press.
3. What motivated Laxmi Lakra to become an engine driver?
Laxmi Lakra loved challenges and the moment somebody said it was not for girls, she made sure, went ahead and did it. She became an engine driver to break the age old stereotype that girls and women are not made for this job.
4. How do you think stereotypes, about what women can do and what they cannot do, affect women’s right to equality?
Stereotypes about what women can or cannot do affects women’s right to equality because they are considered weak and incapable of doing strong works. And thus women are called inferior to men. They are paid less salaries / wages than their man counterparts.
5. Describe few methods of struggle used by women to raise their issues.
The methods of struggle that women’s movement used to raise their issues are:
• Raising awareness through street plays, songs and public meetings.
• Protesting through public rallies and powerful way of drawing attention to injustice.
6. Why do you think learning alphabets was actually important to women like Rashsundari Devi, Ramabai and Rokeya?
The learning the alphabet was so important to women like Rashsundari Devi, Ramabai and Rokeya because after learning alphabet they could achieve their goals and fulfill their dreams and contribute the society.
• Rashsundari Devi: Wrote “Amar Jiban”, first autobiography written by an India woman.
• Ramabai: She set up a mission in Khedagaon where widows and poor women are taught variety of skills from carpentry to running a printing press.
• Rokeya: She started a school for girls in Kolkata in 1910 and thus helped other girls to get education.
7. Why did Rashsundari Devi call herself unlucky? How did she learn the alphabet?
Rashsundari Devi called herself unlucky because she was born in a time when women were not allowed to get education. However, she was bent upon to learn the alphabet. She secretly took out a page of Chaitanya Bhagabat and hid one of them as well. At times, she went over that, trying to match letters from that page with the letters that she remembered. She also tried to match the words with those that she would hear in the course of her days. It took a long time when she finally learnt the alphabet.
8. What are dowry deaths? What role did women's groups play in bringing changes in the dowry laws?
Dowry deaths refer to cases of young brides being murdered by their greedy in-laws or husbands for more dowry. In the 1980s, women’s groups across the country spoke out against such deaths. They spoke out against the failure to bring these cases to justice. They did so by coming on the streets, approaching the courts for sharing information. Eventually, this became a public issue in the newspapers and society and the dowry laws were changed to punish families that seek dowry.
Chapter 5 Women Change the World Long Answer Questions (LAQs):
1. Why do several children from Dalit, Adivasi and Muslim communities leave school?
• Many parts of the country, especially rural poor areas lack proper schools and qualified teachers. The teachers do not teach on a regular basis.
• Parents do not show their willingness to send their daughters to school if it is not close to their homes and there is no transport like buses or vans.
• Many families are too poor to bear the cost of educating all their children. Boys may get preference in this situation.
• Many children also leave school because they are discriminated against by their teachers and classmates.
2. In what way is Rokeya Hossain's Sultana's Dream is remarkable story?
Rokeya Sakhawat Hossain was a Muslim feminist and social reformer who dedicated her life to education and the empowerment of women. She wrote a remarkable story titled Sultana’s Dream in 1905. This story imagined a woman called Sultana who reaches place called Ladyland. Ladyland is a place where women had the freedom to study, work and create inventions like controlling rain from the clouds and flying air cars.
In this Ladyland, the men had been sent into seclusion. Their aggressive guns and other weapons of war are defeated by the brain-power of women. As Sultana travels in Ladyland with sister Sarah, she awakes to realise that she was only dreaming. Rokeya Hossain was dreaming of women flying
planes and cars even before girls were being allowed to go to school. The story is remarkable in the sense that it motivates women of all ages to do something different and meaningful.