Extra Questions and Answers for The Hack Driver Class 10 English Footprints without Feet
Important questions for Chapter 8 The Hack Driver has been prepared by our expert teachers. Students can read and learn from these questions and these are very important in their examination. Class 10 English Footprints without Feet The Hack Driver extra questions are very helpful in understanding the chapter. It also help in the revision of the chapter. Students can rely on these important questions and answers taken from the chapter The Hack Driver to get good marks in their English Paper. By understanding these questions, students will be have better knowledge of the story.

The Hack Driver Extra Questions Class 10 English
Short Answer Type Questions for The Hack Driver
Answer the following questions in 30-40 words:
Question 1: Why do you think Bill offered to help the narrator find Lutkins?
Bill himself was Lutkins. He knew that the lawyer was searching for him. He wanted to play a prank on him and offered to help him find Lutkins. Even he made some money in this process and made him wander here and there. He and his mother made fool of the narrator and had a great laughter.
Question 2: The writer wasn't very fond of New Mullion when he reached the place. What made him grow fond of the village and its people?
Initially, the writer did not like the village. His eager expectations of a sweet and simple country village were severely disappointed but the friendly behaviour of Bill made him grow fond of the village and its people. He was so open and full of warmth and affection that the writer was touched.
Question 3: 'But he was no more dishonest than I'. Elaborate the statement with reference to 'The Hack Driver'.
The lawyer charged a handsome amount from his firm to visit New Mullion. He was given some amount to expend in the process of searching Lutkins. But he paid very little money to the hack driver. Bill already knew that the lawyer was searching for him, still, he made him wander here and there, and even charged him two dollars an hour for six hours, including one hour of his lunch time. This made the lawyer utter these words.
Question 4: Write the plan suggested by Bill for lunch and state the reason behind it.
The lawyer felt hungry and wanted to eat something in a restaurant but Bill suggested him to take lunch at his home cooked by his wife. He told him that it would cost him cheaper than the restaurant because she won't charge him more than half a dollar. He did so because he wanted to make some money out of it. Secondly, it would take nearly cur hour to go there and have lunch so he would be charged another two dollars for it. Thus it was a good business for him.
Question 5: What qualities of the hack driver impressed the young lawyer?
The hack driver's cheerful face and friendly manner made the lawyer conclude that he liked people. The hack driver's openness, again made the lawyer glow in the warmth of affection.
Question 6: Describe the feelings of the young lawyer when he came to know the reality of the hack driver at last.
As long as the lawyer did not know that the hack driver was Lutkins himself, he enjoyed the hack driver's company and glowed in the warmth of his affection. But as the identity of the hack driver was revealed, the lawyer felt very quite hurt. This was especially when Lutkins and his mother laughed at the lawyer as if he were a boy when he served the summons. Later, however, he acknowledged their loving kindness too.
Question 7: On his way back, the narrator did not worry about his failure to find Lutkins. What was the reason behind his carefree attitude?
On his way back, the lawyer did not worry about the failure of his mission, for he was too busy thinking about Bill Magnuson, the hack driver. In fact, he even started considering his return to New Mullion to practise law. He found Bill deep and richly human and pictured an honest and happy life in the village.
Question 8: Discuss the character of the young lawyer as depicted in the chapter The Hack Driver'?
The narrator who is a lawyer is a man who could be taken for a ride very easily. He easily gets flattered by affection and warmth and fails to apply logic to even essential things. The hack driver who is Lutkins himself, whom the narrator wants to meet, thus dupes him very easily. The gullible nature of the narrator invites our sympathy for him.
Question 9: The hack driver at New Mullion befriended the lawyer. What did he do after that?
After befriending the lawyer, the hack driver who was Lutkins himself offered to 'search for' Lutkins to whom the lawyer had to serve the summon. He first took the lawyer to Fritz's shop, then to Mustafa's and Gray's barber shops and then to the poolroom. Later, he took the lawyer to his wife for lunch for half a dollar and finally to Lutkins' mother.
Question 10: How did Bill paint a picture of people in words?
The Bill, the hack driver was very talkative. He won his confidence. He drove him to various places telling that the villagers would help him in finding Lutkins.
Question 11: Why was the lawyer happy about the day?
The lawyer was asked to go to a small village, New Mullion, to serve the summons to Lutkins. He was happy to go as he had expected the countryside town to be green and refreshing—a respite from the crowded, noisy, dry atmosphere of the city. Hence he was happy.
Question 12: How was the hack driver recognized?
Next morning, the lawyer was sent back to New Mullion with a man who knew Lutkins by face. At the station, the lawyer saw Bill talking to Lutkin's mother in a friendly manner. He was surprised to know that Bill was no other but Lutkins himself.
Question 13: What did the hack driver tell the narrator about Lutkins' mother?
He said that she was nine feet tall and four feet thick as a cat and could talk sharp. She was a real terror. Once, she almost took off his skin because he did not treat the box she had given to him to carry as delicately as a box of eggs.
Question 14: Why could the lawyer not find Lutkins?
The lawyer could not find Lutkins because the hack driver, Bill himself was Lutkins The lawyer had not seen or met him before so he could not identify him.
Question 15: Does the narrator serve the summons that day? If not, why?
The narrator could not serve the summons that day as he could not find Lutkins as he did not know that the hack driver named Bill was actually Lutkins himself and was making a practical joke on him in the name of helping him in searching Lutkins.
Question 16: How did Lutkin's mother receive the narrator?
How did Lutkin's mother treat the lawyer?
The hack driver took him to the farm of Lutkin's mother. He introduced the lawyer and told her that he had come to serve summons to Lutkins and had legal right to search the property. The mother got irritated and attacked him with hot iron rods. Both got scared and ran away.
Question 17: How did the hack driver describe Lutkin?
The hack driver told the narrator that Lutkin was very popular among the fellow villagers. He was a careless, dishonest wanderer and could be seen here, there, everywhere. He was always up to one thing or the other. He owed money to several people.
Question 18: Why did the young lawyer wish to return to New Mullion?
Although the young lawyer failed to serve summons to Lutkins, he was so much impressed with the warmth and helpful nature of the country people that he felt excited. He planned to practise at New Mullion and leave his job.
Long Answer Type Questions for The Hack Driver
Answer the following questions in 100-150 words:
Question 1: The hack driver misguided the lawyer and led him on the wrong path. How could the lawyer be proactive.
The hack driver pretended that he was looking for Lutkins when he was Lutkins himself in real life. How did Lutkins make the lawyer a wise person?
The hack driver misguided the lawyer and openly drove him all over the village. He took him too many places such as Beninese's Mustafa, a barber shop, Gray's barber shop, Pool room, and his mother's farmyard. He charged him two dollars an hour for all his visits. He himself talked low of Lutkins and did not allow him to meet anyone directly. The lawyer could have been more protective in some ways. He should have talked to more people rather than enjoy a whole day at the expense of the firm. He should not have hidden behind the hack driver but should have tried to talk once to the villagers. He should not give the lead to the hack driver. Instead, he should have led this visit himself, inquiring more and more people.
Question 2: Why do you think the lawyer was happy to take summons to New Mullion? How did the lawyer develop a perception about Lutkins? If you would have been in the lawyer's place, what would have been your reaction towards Bill's statements?
The narrator was happy to go to New Mullion. He thought it must be a beautiful and calm village. He considered Lutkins a friendly fellow. He liked his openness, warmth and affection. He took his kindness to be real. He was impressed by his ever of help although the hack driver was doing his business and earning handsome money from the lawyer. If I had been in the lawyer's place I never considered Bill's statement true. I would have counter checked his statement by talking to other persons of the village. I would not have spent the whole day with a single person in search of Lutkins, but rather consulted different people to find Lutkins.
Question 3: Attempt the character sketch of the hack driver?
The narrator happened to meet the hack driver on reaching New Mullion. He was Lutkins himself. When he came to know the purpose of the narrator's visit, he offered help in finding Lutkins at a charge of two pounds per hour. He was a red-faced, forty-year-old man having a cheerful and pleasant personality. The lawyer liked him at the first look. He was fun-loving and jolly. He played a practical joke on the lawyer. When he came to know that he did not identify Lutkinc, he introduced himself as Bill. He was neither honest nor helpful. He was rather clever. He charged him for the lunch hour and the food that he got from his wife. But he was creative, humorous and witty. He portrayed the people of New Mullion, in an entertaining and humorous manner reflecting his cheerful wisdom.
Question 4: Describe the encounter of the young lawyer with the hack driver in the village.
Narrate the narrator's first visit to New Mullion.
The author/lawyer was sent to New Mullion to serve summons to Lutkins. At the station, he met a cheerful hack driver who was Lutkins himself. He took advantage of the situation as the author who had never met Lutkins before so he could not identify him. The fun-loving Lutkins introduced himself as Bill. He offered him all his help to find Lutkins. He took him all over the village but in vain. He entertained the author with his lucid description of the village folk, charged him two dollars per hour and half a dollar for food. The author was impressed by the warm affection, kind and helpful nature of Bill and the hospitality and cooperation of the villagers. He thought of leaving his present job and starting his legal practice at New Mullion.