Extract Based Question for For Anne Gregory Class 10 English First Flight with Solutions
Extract based questions for the poem For Anne Gregory has been prepared by our expert teachers. Students can read and learn from these questions and these are very important in their examination. Class 10 English First Flight poem For Anne Gregory extract based questions are very helpful in understanding the chapter. It also help in the revision. Students can rely on these questions and answers taken from the extract of chapter For Anne Gregory poem to get good marks in their English Paper.

For Anne Gregory Line by Line Explanation Class 10 English
Stanza 1
"Never shall a young man,
Thrown into despair
By those great honey-coloured
Ramparts at your ear,
Love you for yourself alone
And not your yellow hair."
Word Meaning:
- despair- hopelessness
- ramparts- lock of hair around ears
The poem begins with the speaker addressing Lady Gregory. He says that her beautiful hone-coloured hair make any man fall for her. This love is not for her but for her hair and beautiful features. Her hair have been compared to walls that symbolize external beauty that prevents anyone from looking inside her soul. This beauty can captivate any man's attention but no man would ever be able to see the beauty of her character. This is why the speaker believes that no man can love Anne for what she is without her beauty.
Stanza 2
"But I can get a hair-dye
And set such color there,
Brown, or black, or carrot,
That young men in despair
May love me for myself alone
And not my yellow hair."
Word Meaning:
- hair dye- colour used for hair
Anne replies to the speaker saying that what is visible from the surface is very superficial and is less important than the inner beauty of a person. She supports her statement by saying that she could dye her hair and change their colour to black, brown or carrot. Just as the colour of her hair is changeable, the external beauty is also prone to change and hence not enduring. She tells the speaker that anyone falling in love with her must also peep inside her soul.
Stanza 3
"I heard an old religious man
But yesternight declare
That he had found a text to prove
That only God, my dear,
Could love you for yourself alone
And not your yellow hair."
Word Meaning:
- declare- to announce
The speaker replies to Anne's statement about love for internal beauty not just for external beauty. He mentions an old religious man who announced that he had found a text in which it is written that only god is capable of looking beyond the external beauty. He means to say that human beings are not capable of having a deep understanding of things beyond the concrete. Human beings easily get carried away by the shine and splendor of things. Therefore the speaker concludes that only god can love Anne for her inner beauty.
For Anne Gregory Extract Based Question Class 10 English
Read the following extracts carefully and answer the questions that follow—Stanza 1 of For Anne Gregory
Thrown into despair
By those great honey-coloured
Ramparts at your ear,
Love you for yourself alone
And not your yellow hair."
Questions 1: What does the word 'ramparts' means?
(i) remaining parts
(ii) wall that protects a fort
(iii) Ear plugs
(iv) Helpless
(ii) wall that protects a fort
Questions 2: What is the colour of Anne's hair?
(i) White
(ii) brown
(iii) yellow
(iv) honey coloured
(iv) honey coloured
Questions 3: What does the young man praise the lady for?
(i) her beauty
(ii) her intelligence
(iii) her yellow hair
(iv) her soul
(iii) for her yellow hair
Questions 4: What does the poet mean by "love for yourself alone and not your yellow hair"?
(i) The lady Ms. Gregory is very proud of her beauty.
(ii) Ms. Gregory loves her yellow hair.
(iii) No one loves Ms. Gregory as she has got yellow hair.
(iv) Everyone loves her for her looks and not for her real character.
(iv) Everyone loves her for her looks and not for her real character
Stanza 2 of For Anne Gregory
"But I can get a hair-dye
And set such color there,
Brown, or black, or carrot,
That young men in despair
May love me for myself alone
And not my yellow hair."
Questions 1: Who is the speaker of these lines?
(i) the poet
(ii) the poet's friend
(iii) Anne Gregory
(iv) Anne Gregory's lover
(iii) Anne Gregory
Questions 2: Why does Anne say she can change her hair colour?
(i) she loves to colour her hair in different colours.
(ii) she wants to impress her love with her different look.
(iii) to show that internal beauty is real and permanent.
(iv) to show that internal beauty is real and permanent.
(iv) to show that internal beauty is real and permanent
Questions 3: What is the rhyme scheme of the stanza?
(i) abcdab
(ii) abcbbc
(iii) abcbdb
(iv) abdbcd
(iii) abcbdb
Questions 4: What does the word despair mean?
(i) hopeful
(ii) madness
(iii) sadness
(iv) hoplessness
(iv) hoplessness
Stanza 3 of For Anne Gregory
"I heard an old religious man
But yesternight declare
That he had found a text to prove
That only God, my dear,
Could love you for yourself alone
And not your yellow hair."
Questions 1: Who had found a text?
(i) the poet
(ii) Ms. Anne Gregory
(iii) her lover
(iv) an old religious man
(iv) an old religious man
Questions 2: What does the text prove?
(i) No one loves the other person without any selfish interest
(ii) Ms Gregory's lover loved her without any selfish interest
(iii) Only god loves a person because of his beautiful soul
(iv) Ms Gregory was admired by one and all
(iii) Only god loves a person because of his beautiful soul
Questions 3: Write the noun form of the word 'declared'.
(i) Declared
(ii) Declaration
(iii) Declarament
(iv) Dedarely
(ii) Declaration
Questions 4: What does 'yesternight' mean?
(i) the nights which have passed
(ii) the nights which are yet to come
(iii) the last night
(iv) tonight
(iii) the last night