Questions and Answers for Polythene Class 10 English Panorama Part 2 Bihar Board

Polythene - Durga Prasad Panda Questions Answers

Chapter Name

Important Questions for Polythene

Author Name

Durga Prasad Panda

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Book Name

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Questions Answers for Polythene by Durga Prasad Panda

1. When does a Polythene Bag make a noise?


A polythene bag makes a squeaky noise when it touched. It is like moaning sounds made by a person when it is burnt.

2. How is a polythene bag harmful ?


A polythene bag never gets dissolved into the earth's crust. It pollutes our environment in various ways. It gives out a poisonous gas which is bad for health. It causes harm to the human being for a long time.

3. What does it give out when it is burnt?


When it is burnt, it gives out poisonous smell.

4. What causes pain ?


The pain is causes by 'hurt which is a strange polythene bag.

5. Whose hurt melts down like polythene bag ?


Hurt melts down when somebody shows warm feelings.

6. How do the germs of diseases grow?


The germs of disease grow when we do not care the dirty garbage in the bin.

7. How does 'Polythene Bag' affect environment?


The Polythene bag pollutes our environment in various ways. It lessens the fertility of the soil. It chokes the drain. When it is burnt, it gives out poisonous gas. It causes harm for a long time if it is not recycled.

8. What are the characteristics of a polythene bag?


A polythene bag is difficult to dissolve. If burnt, it gives a sharp, strong smell. When touched, it makes a squeaky noise. It left alone, it pollutes the environment. However it melts down when heat is applied to it.

9. How does the poet compare "hurt” to a polythene bag?

Or, Why does hurt' cause by the Polythene bag last forever?


In the poem 'Polythene Bag' the poet compare 'hurt to a polythene bag. A polythene bag never gets dissolved into the earth's crust. Similarly, 'hurt' is never forgotten. The polythene bag melts down when it is heated. Similarly 'hurt' melts down when somebody shows warm feelings.

10. The Polythene bag remains within”. Explain.


This lines means that the 'hurt' caused by somebody remains within the human mind for a long time. It is very difficult to get rid of the mental pain and suffering.

11. What comes back again and again?


The pain caused by the 'hurt’ comes back again and again

12. Where is the polythene bag buried ?


The polythene bag remains buried under the earth’s Crust.

13. When does polythene bag make a noise?


A polythene bag makes a squeaky noise when it touched. It is like moaning sounds made by a person when it is burnt.

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