JEE Main 2021 to be conducted from Feb 22 to 25, Registration Starts
The National Testing Agency (NTA) is going to conduct JEE Main 2021 as it has released the information brochure. Eligible candidates can register online for the JEE Main 2021 exam at According to the National Testing Agency (NTA) information brochure, the last date to register for JEE Main 2021 is January 15, 2021. Candidates will be allowed to pay their JEE Main 2021 application fee till January 16, 2021.

Earlier JEE Main entrance exam has been conducted twice a year. But this time JEE Main 2021 will be held four times. The first session will take place from 23 February to 26 February 2021. The second session will be followed by March, the third in April and the fourth in May. This decision has been taken so that the board examinations of different states held at different times do not obstruct the conduct of JEE Main examination.
Admit Cards for the first session of JEE Main 2021 will be released in the first week of January. The exam will be in two shifts. The first shift will be from 9 am to 12 noon and the second shift will be from 3 pm to 6 pm.
The number of questions that used to come in JEE Main earlier, this time too will come. All candidates appearing for JEE-Main 2021 will need to attempt 75 questions out of 90 or 25 out of questions 30 in each section of Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics. Earlier, students have no choice of attempting questions.
The JEE Main exam will now be held in a total of 13 languages - English, Hindi, Gujarati, Bangla, Assamese, Kannada, Marathi, Malayalam, Oriya, Tamil, Urdu, Telugu, Punjabi. Till now the JEE examination has been conducted in English, Hindi, Gujarati.