CBSE Class 12 Board Exam 2021: Change question paper pattern for Class 12
Due to ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the Central Board of Secondary Education is changing many things. First, the board reduced 30% of the syllabus for Class 12. Now the bard is reportedly changing the question paper pattern for class 12 board examinations. It will now focus more on multiple-choice questions and based on case studies.

The sample papers released on the official website is already showing weightage for MCQs had increased by nearly 10%. According to the board, in subjects holding 70 and 80 marks, students need to secure a minimum 23 and 26 marks respectively to pass the paper. The practical examination will be of 30 marks in which a student have to score at lease 9 marks while only 23 marks will be required to pass the 70 marks practical examination.
The board has also released the tentative dates for the class 12 practical exam. As per the notification, the practical examinations will be held from January 1 to February 8.
CBSE Class 10 and 12 Datesheet for 2021 Board Exam will be also be made soon available on the official website