MCQ Questions for Class 11 Biology: Ch 16 Digestion and Absorption

MCQ Questions for Class 11 Biology: Ch 16 Digestion and Absorption

1. Which is sweet in taste but is not sugar-
(a) Starch
(b) Saccharine
(c) Lactose
(d) Protein
► (b) Saccharine

2. Excess amino acids are deaminated & converted into urea in -
(a) Kidneys
(b) liver
(c) Spleen
(d) Pancreas
► (b) liver

3. Total no. of incisor teeth in rabbit is
(a) 8
(b) 6
(c) 10
(d) 4
► (b) 6

4. Vitamin promoting wound healing is:
(a) B
(b) A
(c) D
(d) C
► (d) C

5. Enzyme maltase in human gut acts on food at a pH of -
(a) More than seven to change starch into maltose.
(b) Less than 7 to change starch into maltose.
(c) More than 7 to change maltose into glucose.
(d) Less than 7 to change maltose into glucose.
► (c) More than 7 to change maltose into glucose.

6. Night blindness is caused due to deficiency of Vitamin
(a) B
(b) C
(c) D
(d) A
► (d) A

7. Which reserve a starving man first consumes
(a) Fat
(b) Protein
(c) Glycogen
(d) Vitamin
► (c) Glycogen

8. Meat, milk and egg mainly supply us with
(a) Hormones
(b) Carbohydrates
(c) Proteins
(d) Fats
► (c) Proteins

9. Bilirubin and bilivirdin are found in
(a) Blood
(b) Bile
(c) Saliva
(d) None of the Above
► (b) Bile

10. The function of enterogasterone hormone is:
(a) to control excretion
(b) to inhibit gastric juice secretion
(c) regulate the absorption of food
(d) to stimulate gastric glands to release gastric juice
► (b) to inhibit gastric juice secretion

11. Deficiency of Vitamin A causes:
(a) Retarted growth
(b) Scurvy
(c) Beri-Beri
(d) Rickets
► (a) Retarted growth

12. Parietal cells of mucosa in stomach is secrets :
(a) Mucin
(b) Pepsin
(c) Dilute HCl
(d) All of the Above
► (c) Dilute HCl

13. Bacteria entering with contaminated food are killed in stomach by -
(a) Pepsin
(b) Renin
(c) Sodium bicarbonate
(d) HCl
► (d) HCl

14. Vitamins are:
(a) Inorganic substances and can't be synthesized by animals.
(b) Inorganic substances and can be synthesized by animals.
(c) Organic substances which cannot mostly be synthesized by animals.
(d) Organic substances which can mostly be synthesized by animals.
► (c) Organic substances which cannot mostly be synthesized by animals.

15. Lower jaw composed of in Rabbit :-
(a) Dentary
(b) Maxilla
(c) Premaxilla
(d) Palatine
► (a) Dentary

16. Succus entericus is secreted by-
(a) Gastric glands
(b) Islets of langerhans
(c) Crypts of lieberkuhn & Brunner's gland
(d) Goblet cells
► (c) Crypts of lieberkuhn & Brunner's gland

17. The cells of the epithelial lining in the vertebrate stomach are not damaged by HCl because of
(a) Mucus secretion covering the epithelium
(b) Neutrilizatioin of HCl by alkaline gastric juice.
(c) HCl being to dilute
(d) Epithelium being resistant to HCl
► (a) Mucus secretion covering the epithelium

18. Which of the following is a common passage in swallowing food and breathing-
(a) Pharynx
(b) Larynx
(c) Glottis
(d) Gullet
► (a) Pharynx

19. Crypts of Lieberkuhn involved in:
(a) Secretion of succus entericus
(b) Secretion of rennin
(c) Secretion of ptyalin
(d) digestion of food
► (a) Secretion of succus entericus

20. Secretion of pancreatic juice is stimalated by :
(a) Gastrin
(b) Secretin
(c) Enterogastrone
(d) Enterokinase
► (b) Secretin

21. The cells in the wall of intestine are stimulated to produce secretin by-
(a) Cholecystokinin
(b) Bile juice
(c) Acid in chyme
(d) Gastrin
► (c) Acid in chyme

22. The most common concentrated source of proteins for vegetarians in our country is-
(a) Potatoes
(b) Meat
(c) Eggs
(d) Pulses
► (d) Pulses

23. Enterogastrone is:
(a) Hormone secreted by mucosa
(b) Enzyme secreted by mucosa
(c) Hormone secreted by duodenal mucosa
(d) Secreted by endocrine gland related to digestion
► (c) Hormone secreted by duodenal mucosa

24. The structure which prevents entry of food into wind pipe during swallowing in mammals is
(a) Larynx
(b) Glottis
(c) Epiglottis
(d) Pharynx
► (c) Epiglottis

25. In frog, the surface of attachment of tongue is
(a) Hyoid apparatus
(b) Pterygoid
(c) Palatine
(d) Sphenoid
► (a) Hyoid apparatus

26. To keep people healthy, strong and energetic and long lived, it is necessary to provide them-
(a) High energy food
(b) Large amount of food
(c) Balanced diet
(d) Initiative and spirit
► (c) Balanced diet

27. Protein are mainly required in the body for
(a) Growth
(b) Repair
(c) Both of the Above
(d) None of the Above
► (c) Both of the Above

28. Ptyalin cannot work in stomach, because it becomes-
(a) Inactive due to HCl
(b) Inactive due to Renin
(c) Inactive due to Pepsin
(d) None of these
► (a) Inactive due to HCl

29. Which one of the carbohydrate is monosaccharide:
(a) Glucose
(b) Sucrose
(c) Starch
(d) Cellulose
► (a) Glucose

30. Hydrochloric acid is secreted by the:
(a) Paneth cells
(b) Goblet cells
(c) Chief cells
(d) Parietal cells
► (d) Parietal cells

31. Which of the following is different from others :
(a) Gastrin
(b) Ptyalin
(c) Glucagon
(d) Secretin
► (b) Ptyalin

32. Enamel of teeth is secreted by:
(a) Ameloblast
(b) Odontoblast
(c) Osteoblast
(d) Osteoclast
► (a) Ameloblast

33. Function of HCl in stomach is to:
(a) Kill micro-organism of food
(b) Facilitate absorption of food
(c) Dissolve enzymes secreted by gastric glands
(d) Active trypsinogen to trypsin
► (a) Kill micro-organism of food

34. Which one is not an enzyme of digestive system
(a) Enterokinase
(b) Amylase
(c) Trypsin
(d) Enterogastrin
► (d) Enterogastrin
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