Extra Questions for Class 9th: Ch 6 Population Social Studies (S.St) Important Questions Answer Included

Very Short Answer Questions (VSAQs): 

1. Which state has the lowest population?



2. What was the population density of India according to 2011?


382 person/km2.

3. Which age group is considered economically productive in the study of population?


15-59 years.

4. The number of people in different age groups is referred to as ...


Age composition.

5. Which movement of the people across regions and territories does not change the size of the population?



6. What is the main cause for the high growth of our population?


Decline of death rate

7. What is sex ratio?


Number of females per thousand males

Short Answer Questions (SAQs):

1. What is a census? Why is it important for a country to conduct censuses periodically?


A census is an official enumeration of population done periodically. The counting is conducted usually every tenth year. 
The various uses of a census are as follows :
• A census provides us information regarding the population of the country.
• It is the most comprehensive source of demographic, social and economic data.
• It provides us with information regarding population size and distribution. So it helps in planning the development of various regions. 

2. Describe the three population density zones of India.


The three population density zones of India are:
• High density zone: The Northern plains, above 500 people per sq. km.
• Moderate or medium density zone: Mountain region, 250-500 people per sq. km.
• Low density zone: Plateau region, below 250 people per sq. km.

3. Census is primarily concerned with which three main questions about the population? Explain.


The three main questions on which census is primarily concerned with are:
• Population size and distribution.
• Population growth and processes of population change.
• Characteristics or qualities of the population.

4. Population is the pivotal element in social studies. Support your answer giving three points.


Population is the pivotal element in social studies. We can say this because:
• It is the point of reference from which all other elements are observed and from which they derive significance and meaning.
• ‘Resources’, ‘calamities’ and ‘disasters’ are all meaningful only in relation to human beings.
• Their numbers, distribution, growth and characteristics or qualities provide the basic background for understanding and appreciating all aspects of the environment.

Long Answer Questions (LAQs):

1. Describe any five significant features of the National Population Policy 2000.


• NPP 2000 identified adolescents as one of the major sections of the population that need greater attention.
• Its main objective is to cater to their nutritional requirements.
• To impart free and compulsory school education upto 14 years of age.
• To reduce infant mortality rate to 30 per 1000 live births.
• To immunise all children against ailments.
• To promote delayed marriage of girls.
• To make family welfare, a people centered programme.

2. “Distribution of population in India is uneven.“ Prove this statement with examples.


• Physical factors: Rugged and mountainous terrain as in Jammu and Kashmir or lack of means of transport as in Arunachal Pradesh are primarily responsible for sparse population.
• Harsh climatic conditions: Snow-covered regions like Jammu and Kashmir and very hot regions such as Rajasthan invite less population.
• Plain terrain: Place with rich, fertile soil, good rainfall and moderate climate like Kerala and Uttar Pradesh make highly populated states.
• Economical factors: Regions become densely populated where ample scope of starting business and industries prevail. With good transport, trade and communication these regions become acutely dense.
• Political factors: States providing security, peace and stability also become very dense in the long run.

NCERT Solutions of Chapter 6 Population

Notes of Chapter 6 Population

MCQ Test of Chapter 6 Population

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