Extra Questions for Class 9th: Ch 3 Constitutional Design Social Studies (S.St) Important Questions Answer Included

Very Short Answer Questions (VSAQs): 

1. What is meant by segregation?


The act of separating or a setting apart people from others or from the main body or group, especially when applied to separate people by race.

2. What would have happened in South Africa if the black majority had decided to take revenge on the whites for all their oppression and exploitation?


Violence would have erupted in South Africa. Bloodshed would have taken place. A great loss of life and property would have taken place.

3. What do you mean by political equality?


Every citizen is entitled to all the constitutional rights and freedom without making distinction of any kind like gender, race, status, religion, etc.

4. Which type of tactics did the white racist Government of South Africa use to continue to rule?


Detaining, torturing and killing thousands of blacks.

5. On what basis, the system of apartheid divided people?


Skin colour.

6. What do you mean by apartheid?


The system of racial discrimination practiced against blacks in South Africa.

7. On what charge was Nelson Mandela tried by the white South African Government?



8. Define Constitution.


The Constitution is the system of beliefs and laws by while a country, state or organization is governed.

9. Name the great leader of Indian freedom movement who was not the member of the Indian Constituent Assembly.


Mahatma Gandhi, the great leader of Indian freedom movement was not the member of the Indian Constituent Assembly.

10. When did the Constituent Assembly adopt the constitution of India?


The Constituent Assembly adopted the Constitution of India on 26th November 1949.

Long Answer Questions (LAQs):

1. Explain the necessity of a Constitution in the newly born democracy in South Africa.


The necessities of a constitution in the newly born democracy in South Africa are:
• The oppressor and the oppressed were planning to live together as equals.
• It was not going to be easy to trust each other.
• Black majority was keen to ensure that the democratic principle of majority rule was not compromised. 
• The Blacks wanted social and economic rights. 
• White minority was keen to protect its privileges and property.

2. What is meant by the apartheid? How did the people of South Africa struggle against it?


Apartheid was the system of racial discrimination unique to South Africa. Efforts made by the people of South Africa against apartheid:
• Launched protest, marches and strikes. 
• The African National Congress led the struggle.
• Many sensitive whites also joined the struggle with the African National Congress.
• Many workers’ unions and the Communist Party joined the movement.

3. Who led the struggle against apartheid? State any four practices followed in the system of apartheid in South Africa.


Nelson Mandela led the struggle against apartheid. Practices followed in the system of apartheid in South Africa: 
• Blacks were forbidden from living in white areas. 
• All public places were separate for the whites and blacks.
• They could not visit the Churches of whites.
• They could not form associations or protest against the terrible treatment

4. Explain with five facts of the transition of apartheid to democracy and multiracial government that took place in South Africa.


Transition that took place in South Africa:
• After the emergence of the new democratic South Africa, the black leaders appealed to the fellow blacks to forgive the whites for the atrocities they had committed while in power. 
• They built a new South Africa based on equality of all races and men and women, on democratic values, social justice and human rights. 
• The party that ruled through oppression and brutal killings and the party that led the freedom struggle, sat together to draw up a common constitution.
• After two years of discussion and debate, they came out with one of the finest constitutions, the world has ever had.
• This constitution gave to its citizens the most extensive rights available in any country. Together, they decided that in the search for a solution to the problems, nobody should be excluded, no one should be treated as a demon.

5. Explain any five characteristics of South African Constitution.


Characteristics of South African Constitution: 
• Emergence of the new democratic South Africa under black leaders. 
• Based on equality of all races, men and women.
• Extensive rights were given to all the citizens.
• Everybody becomes the part of the solution. 
• Determination of the people to work together. 

6. Highlight any five difficult circumstances under which the Indian Constitution was drawn up.


• Making a constitution for a huge and diverse country like India was not an easy task. 
• The people of India at that time were emerging from the status of subjects to citizens. 
• The country was born through a partition on the basis of religious differences.
• The British had left the princely states to decide their future on their own. 
• At that time, future of the country did not look very secure. 
• Makers of the constitution had anxieties about the present as well as the future.
• The vast size of the country and diversity was a matter of concern.

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