Fog Poem Important Questions Class 10 First Flight English

Fog Poem Important Questions Class 10 First Flight English

Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1. What is the fog compared to?


The fog is compared to a cat.

Question 2. How does the fog move on?


The fog moves on slowly.

Question 3. Does this poem have a rhyme scheme? Poetry that does not have an obvious rhythm or rhyme is called ‘free verse’.


No, this poem does not have a rhyme scheme. It is written in ‘free verse’.

Question 4. According to the poet, what is the fog like?


According to the poet, the fog is like a cat.

Question 5. What does the fog look over?


The fog looks over the harbour and the city.

Question 6. How does the fog come?


The fog comes slowly and silently.

Question 7. How does the poet make the fog like a living creature?


The poet makes the fog like a living creature by comparing it to a cat.

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1. How does the poet employ the double imagery of the fog and the cat?


The poetic device of metaphor is very effectively used in the poem. The fog is converted into a cat and the cat is morphed back into the fog. The silent arrival of the fog is like a little cat. The fog stays there sitting like the cat on its haunches.

Question 2. Write the central idea of the poem “Fog”.


The poet Carl Sandburg in his poem ‘Fog’ describes fog as a cat. Fog is treated to be a living creature. Fog comes quietly and stealthily like a cat. Fog sits looking over the harbour like a cat does. Then it moves to settle somewhere else. Just as cat doesn’t settle at one place and in the same way fog keeps on moving and finally vanishes.

Question 3. How does the fog spread over the harbour and the city?


The fog-comes to a city stealthily just like a cat. It makes no noise. It spreads over the harbour and the city and settles over them for sometimes. There, it rises high and moves away. In this way the fog arrives over a city, observes it and then leaves it to move away.

Question 4. How does the poet make the fog like a living creature?


The poet describes the fog as a cat. He does so through a metaphor. The fog is the cat itself. As a cat jumps and lights on its soft silently, the fog also comes down noiselessly. Then it moves on like a cat.

Question 5. How is the fog like a cat?


The poet finds the fog like a cat. The fog comes stealthily like a cat. It sits looking over the harbour and city as a cat does. Later, it moves on just like a cat to settle somewhere else. These things prove that the fog’s comparison to a cat is appropriate.

Question 6. Which aspect of nature Carl Sand-burg presents in the poem ‘Fog’?


The poet presents nature in its raw and natural state. The fog comes as if from nowhere. It comes suddenly and silently like a little cat. The fog’s power is overwhelming. It engulfs everything, the city and the harbour in its all-embracing fold. Then following the law of change, it disappears, no one knows where.

Question 7. How does cat behave?


A cat is very quiet. It comes quietly and stealthily on its little padded feet. It sits on the haunches and observes the city and the harbour. Then, it moves on silently without making any noise.

Question 8. The fog comes on like cat feet. How does the poet compare the fog with a cat? What poetic device is used here?


The cat comes silently and slowly. In the same way, the fog also comes slowly and silently. The poetic device used here is personification. The fog has been personified.

Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1. Difficulties come but they are not to stay forever. They come and go. Comment referring to the poem “Fog’.


None can deny that fact that after every nightfall, there is sunshine. In other words sorrows follow happiness. Life has many ups and downs. We must all accept that problems as a part of life. We should strengthen ourselves so much that we are able to face them and stand up to solve these problems. We should not get carried away. We should learn that time and tide wait for none.

Fog is also symbolic of darkness but it comes quietly like a cat and goes away. It symbolises that if we are not disturbed by difficulties then life will itself move to lighter side and things will be easy to confront. We should always remember that, we must face all the problems boldly.

Question 2. What metaphor has the poet used in the poem ‘Fog’? Do you think it is appropriate?


In the poem Tog’, Carl Sandburg has metaphorically compared the fog to a cat. The first strange thing about the metaphor is the comparison of a phenomenon with a living animal. Perhaps the poet wants to emphasize the silent nature and mysterious ways of the fog, so he has compared the fog to a cat. A cat does not make a sound when it walks. So also is the fog, but its presence is apparent. Its “silence” is very much like that of a cat moving on its little feet.

Then the fog stays in its place looking over the harbour and city which creates a hazy atmosphere all around. The way it sits is very much like a cat sitting on its haunches, looking here and there before it makes a move. This is as if the fog remains a silent spectator of the happenings in the city. Whatever the purpose may be, both the fog as well as a cat make their impression and make their presence felt. The comparison of the fog to a cat seems very appropriate because, reading the poem, one feels that truly, the fog approaches stealthily, just like a cat.

Question 3. (i) What does Sandburg think the fog is like?
(ii) How does the fog come?
(iii) What does ‘it’ in the third line refer to?
(iv) Does the poet actually say that the fog is like a cat? Find three things that tell us that the fog is like a cat.


(i) According to Sandburg, the fog is like a cat.

(ii) The fog comes on little cat’s feet.

(iii) In the third line ‘it’ refers to the fog that has covered the city and it seems as if it is looking over the city like a cat.

(iv) No, the poet does not actually say that the fog is like a cat. However, he has used cat as a metaphor for describing the fog. He says that the fog comes on its little cat feet, which implies that the fog, like a cat, comes slowly. He also says that the fog looks over the harbour and the city and then moves on, implying that the fog has covered the city and is sitting and looking at it, thereby again comparing it to a cat.

Question 4. How does Carl Sandburg describe the arrival, stay and departure of fog through the image of a metaphorical cat?


The poet employs a double image. The fog is converted into a cat and the cat morphs back into the fog. The arrival of the fog is silent and sudden. It comes as if from nowhere. Its arrival is like a small cat. It sits and stays for a while. It engulfs everything in its all-embracing fold. It spreads its fold everywhere from the harbour to the city. It sits silently as a cat sits on its haunches. The fog stays but not for long. A cat never stays at one place for a long time. So, the fog moves ahead no one knows where. Carl Sandburg describes the raw aspect of nature, the all-embracing and prevailing fog. Its silent power is felt everywhere from the harbour to the city.

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