Bholi Important Questions Class 10 Footprints without Feet English

Bholi Important Questions Class 10 Footprints without Feet English

Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1. What were the two steps taken by Ramlal to persuade Bishamber to marry Bholi?


Ramlal persuaded Bishamber to marry Bholi by giving him the dowry of five thousand rupees.

Question 2. Why did Sulekha start stammering?


Sulekha could not speak until she was five. When at last she learned to speak she started stammering because other children often made fun of her and mimicked her.

Question 3. Why was Sulekha nicknamed Bholi?


Sulekha was nicknamed Bholi because she was a simpleton. She was mentally slow and anybody could befool her.

Question 4. Why did the Tehsildar come to Ramlal’s village? What did he ask Ramlal to do?


The Tehsildar came to Ramlal’s village to inaugurate the primary school. He asked Ramlal to set an example for others by sending his daughters to school.

Question 5. What was Ramlal’s wife reaction?


His wife was an orthodox village woman. She was against the idea of sending her daughters to school. She thought that education would affect their marriage prospects adversely.

Question 6. Why did she agree to send Bholi to school?


She thought that education would ruin the marriage prospects of their daughters but Bholi was a simpleton. There was no possibility of her marriage. So she agreed to send Bholi to school.

Question 7. Which incident touched her heart?


All the girls were laughing at her. The teacher called her by name in her soft and soothing voice. This touched her heart because she had never been called in that loving way.

Question 8. Why did Bishamber’s marriage with Bholi not take place?


Bishamber’s marriage with Bholi did not take place because Bholi refused to marry a greedy man. She also realised that Bishamber was trying to exploit her father due to her looks.

Question 9. Why is Bholi’s father worried about her?


Bholi’s father is worried about her as she has neither good looks nor intelligence. He did not know how he would find a suitable groom for her.

Question 10. Does Bholi enjoy her first day at school?


Yes, Bholi enjoys her first day at school as she was glad to find so many girls almost of her own age present there. She hoped that one of these girls might become her friend.

Question 11. Does she find her teacher different from the people at home?


Yes, she finds her teacher different from the people at home as the teacher was affectionate, polite and this touched her heart.

Question 12. Why do Bholi’s parents accept Bishamber’s marriage proposal?


Bholi’s parents accept Bishamber’s marriage proposal because if they don’t accept it, she would not be married for the rest of her life.

Question 13. Why does the marriage not take place?


The marriage does not take place because the groom demanded dowry.

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1. Did Bholi enjoy her first day in school? What made her happy on this very day?


It was a mixed day for Bholi. She was happy to see the girls of her age. She was fascinated with the colourful pictures on the wall of the classrooms. But when the teacher asked her name she could not answer properly and other girls laughed at her. She cried. But her teacher’s soft words made her happy on this very day.

Question 2. How does she become a masterpiece?


The teacher transformed a simpleton girl into a well-behaved and confident girl. Bholi was a foolish and stammering girl. The teacher put in all her hard work in transforming her into a mentally strong and well-educated girl. It was really a masterpiece of the teacher.

Question 3. “God cannot be everywhere, so he created Mothers”. Do you think Bholi’s mother complies with this statement? Give at least three reasons to support your answer.


Bholi’s mother does not comply with this statement- Following are the reasons for it:

  1. Bholi’s mother never took care of her — neither in childhood or in young age,
  2. She was not concerned about her studies or clothing.
  3. She did not bother about Bholi’s groom. Whether he was an aged person or a greedy one, whether he will honor her daughter or keep her as a slave in his house.

Question 4. How was Bholi different from the other children at home?


When Bholi was 10 months old, she fell from a cot. This damaged a part of her brain and affected her intelligence. She became a slow learner, a retarded child. So, she was called Bholi’ meaning a simpleton. When she was two years old, she had an attack of smallpox that left pockmarks on her face and she looked ugly. Rest of her brothers and sisters were normal.

Question 5. What two actions did Bholi take to stop her marriage to Bishamber?


Bholi’s marriage was going to take place with Bishamber who himself was forty-five or fifty years old. He also limped and had two children from his first wife. Even then he demanded 5000 rupees as dowry. Bholi stopped the marriage by throwing away the garland in the fire. She threw away the veil and asked her father to take back the money and refused to marry Bishamber.

Question 6. How did Bholi console her father in the end?


Bholi consoled her father that even if she did not get married, she would take care of her parents in their old age. She also tells them that she would teach in the same school where she had learned so much.

Question 7. Give example from the text to show that Bholi was a neglected child.


Due to her physical appearance Bholi was neglected by her parents. New dresses were made for her sisters; the old dresses of her sisters were passed on to her. No one ever cared to mind or wash her clothes. She was sent to school as her mother believed her to be a burden.

Question 8. Give detail about Ramlal’s children.


Ramlal had seven children-four daughters and three sons. All of his children except Bholi were healthy. His sons studied in schools and colleges. Bholi was his youngest daughter. She was a backward child

Question 9. What did the Tehsildar suggest to Ramlal?


The Tehsildar had come to the village to open the first primary school for girls. He told Ramlal that as a revenue official he is the representative of the government in the village, and so should set an example for the villagers by sending his daughters to school.

Question 10. What ideas do you form of Ramlal’s personality?


Ramlal was the revenue officer of the village. He was a prosperous farmer and had seven children. He was orthodox. He did not believe in the ideology of sending girls to school as it would be difficult to find a good match for them. He wanted to get rid of Bholi as she was ugly and not intelligent.

Question 11. How did Bholi’s teacher play an important role in changing the course of her life?


Bholi’s teacher played an important role in changing the course of her life. She was polite and friendly which touched her heart. She encouraged her every time and was affectionate towards her. The teacher transformed her into a confident person who could read, write and speak clearly. This gave her the required confidence. Moreover, teacher’s appreciation and encouragement helped her overcome her own morale.

Question 12. Why was Bholi frightened to go to school?


No girl in the family had ever gone to school. The next day, when Ramlal held her hand to take her to school, Bholi was frightened. She did not know what school was. She thought that perhaps her parents were punishing her by sending her to school. So, she cried out in terror and pulled her hand away from her father’s grip.

Question 13. “In time you will be more learned than anyone else in the village,” said the teacher to Bholi. What was the basis of reposting such confidence in a girl who couldn’t pronounce her name properly?


Bholi stammered and couldn’t even pronounce her full name to the teacher. The teacher succeeded and made her say: “Bh! Bh — Bho — Bholi.” She asked her to come to school every day. The teacher gave her a picture book and hoped that she would finish it within a month. In time, she would be more learned than anyone else in the village. Then, no one would ever be able to laugh at her.

Question 14. What changes did the village see after some years?


The years passed. The village became a small town. The primary school became a high school. There was a cinema under the tin-shed. There was a cotton-ginning mill. The mail train now stopped at their railway station.

Question 15. Was Ramlal happy with Bishamber’s proposal? What was the opinion of Bholi’s mother about this unequal match?


Ramlal was worried about Bholi. She had neither good looks nor intelligence. The proposal of Bishamber for her marriage was a pleasant surprise for him. His wife gave her acceptance to this unequal match. She felt that Bholi was lucky to have such a rich bridegroom. He had a big shop, his own house and several thousand rupees in the bank. Moreover, he was not asking for dowry.

Question 16. What preparations had Bishamber made on the wedding day? What was the reaction of Bholi’s parents and elder sisters regarding the celebrations?


The bridegroom, Bishamber, was a well-to-do grocer. He was happy and excited about the wedding day. He had come with a large party of friends and relatives with him for the wedding. A brass-band headed the procession. It was playing a popular tune of a film. Ramlal was overjoyed to see such pomp and splendor. Bholi’s elder sisters were envious of her luck.

Question 17. What happened when Bishamber took a quick glance at his bride’s face?


The auspicious moment had come. The bridegroom lifted the garland of yellow marigolds. A woman slipped back the silken veil from the bride’s face. Bishamber took a quick glance. The garland remained poised in his hand. He shouted that the bride had poxkmarks on her face. If he was to marry her, her father must give him five thousand rupees.

Question 18. How did Bholi react to the remarks of an old woman who called her “a shameless girl” and “a harmless dumb cow?”


When Bholi refused to accept a mean, greedy and cowardly man as her husband, everybody was stunned. An old woman called her “a shameless girl.” She had thought her “a harmless dumb cow.” Bholi turned violently on the old woman. She told that everybody had thought her a dumb cow and so they wanted to hand her over to such a heartless creature. She reminded that the ‘dumb cow’ had got a tongue now and she could speak out to defend herself.

Question 19. How did Ramlal react after the ceremony ended with the departure of the bridegroom alone?


Ramlal stood silently rooted to the ground. His head bowed with the weight of grief and sorrow. He turned to Bholi and asked what would happen to her now. No one would ever marry her. He asked, “What shall we do with you?”

Question 20. Why was Bholi reluctant to go to school with her father?


Bholi did not know what a school was like. She thought that her father was turning her out of his house like their old cow Lakshmi. She shouted in terror and pulled her hand away from her father’s grip.

Question 21. What made her feel that she was going to a better place than her home?


Bholi was a neglected child. But that day she was given a clean dress. She was bathed. Even oil was rubbed into her dry and matted hair. This made her feel that she was going to a better place than her home.

Question 22. What kind of a mother, do you think, Ramlal’s wife was?


Ramlal’s wife was an uncaring and callous mother. She never showed the affection to Bholi that she deserved as her child. She felt that the girl with pox-marks and lack of sense was a burden. That’s why she sent her to school so that the teachers took the trouble to handle the girl. Even when it was the matter of her marriage, the mother showed no sympathy and consented to get her married to an old and lame man.

Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1. Give a brief sketch of Ramlal’s character.


Ramlal was the Numberdar of his village. He had a respectable position in the village. He had four daughters and three sons. He was a loving father. He sent his sons to the city for education. He searched for good bridegrooms for his three daughters. He was worried about his youngest daughter Bholi. He took her to’ school. He asked his wife to bathe Bholi and give her clean clothes. He did not want to marry Bholi with Bishamber who was almost of his age. He wanted to consult Bholi in this matter. But it seems that he was in wife’s influence. Even in the end, he parted with five thousand rupees for the sake of Bholi’s happiness. Thus he was a good father.

Question 2. Give a character sketch of Bishamber Nath.


Bishamber Nath was a well-to-do grocer. He had a big shop. He had a house of his own and thousands of rupees in the bank. He was a widower. He had children from his first wife. They were quite grown up now. Bishamber was an unequal match for Bholi. He was almost of the age of her father. He limped too. But Bholi’s parents thought him a good match for Bholi. He ignored his age and limping and accepted Bishamber’s proposal of marriage. Of course, Bholi was not even consulted.

Bishamber Nath wanted to dazzle Bholi’s parents with his wealth. He came with a large party of friends and relatives for the wedding. A brass band moved ahead playing a popular filmy tune. Ramlal was overjoyed to see this pomp and grandeur. Bishamber Nath showed his true colour when he found that the bride had pockmarks on her face. He shamelessly demanded five thousand rupees as dowry to marry such a girl. Ramlal put even his turban at his feet. Bishamber didn’t budge and Ramlal put a bundle of notes at his feet.

Bishamber was rightly punished and humiliated in the end. The ‘dumb cow’ got her tongue now. She threw away the wedding garland into the fire. She refused to many such a mean, greedy and worthless man. Bholi did the right thing by rejecting such a person.

Question 3.  “Don’t you worry, Pitaji. In your old age I will serve you and mother”. Through this statement the narrator wants to highlight the moral values Bholi imbibed with. Based on the reading of the lesson, what made Bholi aware of her rights and how did she use them?


Bholi became an introvert child who lacked confidence. She was neglected and even made fun of due to her appearance and lack of intelligence. Years of education made her bold and confident. She got an aim in her life. When she refused to marry greedy Bishamber, her father became worried. She assured her father not to worry and promised that she would take care of him and her mother in their old age.

She told that she would teach in the school where she learnt so much. During her education Bholi’s teacher made her aware of her rights as well as duties. She faced the challenge of rejecting greedy Bishamber with determination and confidence. Thus she protected her self-respect and integrity.

Question 4. School education turned Bholi from a dumb cow into a bold girl. How did she save her father from a huge expense and become his support in his old age?


Ironically, Bholi was sent to school as her mother believed she was a burden and let the teachers at the school worry for her. The teacher showed affection and encouraged her to shed her fear. She was assured by her teacher that she would speak like others one day.

Years of hard work transformed Bholi into a bold and confident young woman. Bishamber refused to marry Bholi due to her appearance and demanded five thousand rupees. Bholi saw how her father was humiliated for no reason. She refused to marry a greedy, mean and contemptible coward. She assured her father that she would serve him and her mother in their old age. She had a mission in her life; she would spread the light of education in her village.

Question 5. What kind of treatment is given to Bholi by her parents? Is it justified?


Bholi was the youngest of the seven of Ramlal’s children. Her real name was Sulekha. When she was ten months old, she fell down from the cot on her head. Some part of her brain was damaged. So she remained a backward child. She had pock-marks on her face. She spoke with a stammer. The treatment of her parents towards her was very discouraging. They called her a witless fool. They did little to take care of her. They didn’t give her new clothes. None washed her clothes and cared for her bath. They thought her a burden on their shoulders. They sent her to school only to take off this burden from their shoulders to that of the teacher’s.

Question 6. “Dowry is a negation of the girl’s dignity”. Explain this statement in the light of the story of ‘Bholi’.


Initially Bishamber did not demand dowry to get married to Bholi. He was a widower, having children and of the age of Ramlal. But during the marriage ceremony he happened to see the face of Bholi. He bargains if he was given five thousand rupees he will marry the girl. Bholi’s father Ramlal placed his turban at his feet but he refused.

A girl is considered a liability in her own natal home due to prevalence of the custom of dowry practice. Some parents are unwilling to give higher education to their daughter as they have to search for highly educated boy for marriages and a better educated boy will demand more dowry which creates unnecessary problem, for parents.

Besides, the boy who receives huge amount of dowry may think of himself as more dignified as having a higher status, greater prestige and more respectful than the girl. Subsequently the girl develops inferiority complex. Fortunately, Bholi refuses to marry greedy Bishamber and decides to serve her parents instead in their old age.

Question 7. Bholi’s teacher was not an ordinary teacher. She was more than that. Suppose you become a teacher. What qualities of Bholi’s teacher will you imbibe to help students to overcome social discrimination?


If I become a teacher, I would instil all the qualities that Bholi’s teacher has, to help students to overcome social discrimination.
Bholi was sent to school because of her ugly face and lack of intelligence; she had little chance of getting a match. “Let the teachers at school worry about her,” said her mother.

Her teacher worked on her as an artist. She motivated and encouraged her, and instilled in her traits of self-confidence, self-respect and courage. Education and the teacher’s efforts produced wonderful results. She stopped stammering. She hoped to be respected after completing her education. Her teacher was a caring, affectionate, kind lady who brought change in her life. She built up Bholi’s confidence and self-respect. Only because of her teacher’s instincts she could have the courage to refuse to marry a mean, greedy, lame old man.

Question 8. Why did Bholi at first agree to an unequal match? Why did she later reject the marriage? What does this tell us about her?


This is a normal practice in India that girls seldom oppose their parent’s choice of a groom. The upbringing of daughters does a kind of mental conditioning which doesn’t give them enough courage to rebel against their parent’s wishes. Bholi more or less followed the tradition of being an ideal Indian girl and agreed to an unequal match because her mother felt she was lucky to get a well-to-do groom who owned a big shop, had a house of his own and had several thousands in the bank. Moreover, he was not asking for any dowry.

Bholi also heard her mother saying that he did not know about her pox-marks and her lack of sense. If the proposal was not accepted, she might remain unmarried all her life. Later on, when the groom bared his greed to everyone, it repulsed Bholi and she opposed the marriage. Unlike her sisters, Bholi is educated and has a mind of her own. She is as independent as any other modern girl in a big city.

On seeing her father pleading and getting humiliated, she decided not to marry him. This tells us that she loves and respects her parents, has self-respect and knows what is right or wrong and is able to take wise decision.

Question 9. What values did the teacher display in transforming Bholi into a confident girl?


Bholi was neglected by her parents on account of her looks and lack of intelligence. She was sent to school because her mother thought her to be a burden and let the teacher at school worry about her. The teacher in the school asked her to tell her name. She stammered -and began to cry.

The teacher showed her affection and encouraged her in a friendly manner to put aside her fear. Bholi somehow told her name. The teacher assured her that she would be able £o speak like everyone else one day. Bholi was surprised. The teacher asked her to come to school regularly. Love and encouragement shown by the teacher brought out drastic changes in Bholi’s personality. Within a few years, she became so confident that she refused to marry a greedy man.

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