Chapter 4 The Old-Clock Shop Important Questions Class 6 A Pact with the Sun English

Short Answer Type Questions
Question 1. What was the intention of the intruders?
The two persons visiting Ray’s shop were in dire need of money. They were ready to take away Ray’s cash by force.
Question 2. Ray was an inspiration’. How?
Ray was an old and deaf owner of an old clock shop. He repaired and sold old clocks. He communicated with his customers using pen and paper. He was wise, generous and helpful also. He overpaid his visitors in need. He sent away the unfriendly visitors quite happy.
Question 3. What made Ray think the visitor was not really a shopper?
Ray’s old, wise eyes told him that visitor was not a shopper because there was no sign of friendliness in his eyes and his other friend remained at the door.
Question 4. What do you think the man said to his friend who waited at the door?
The man must have communicated to his friend what Ray had communicated to him by shaking his head and pointing to his ears. So the man perhaps told his friend that the owner of that shop was deaf and dumb.
Question 5. Why did visitors come to the shop?
The visitor had not come to the shop to buy anything. Perhaps his intention was to loot the owner of his cash. He was in dire need of money.
Question 6. Ray was not a pawnbroker. Why then did he lend money to people in exchange for their old watches and clocks?
Ray was not a pawnbroker, a person who lends money on security of some item. He did not lend money on interest. He was, however, kind and helpful. He couldn’t say ‘No’ to the needy people.
Question 7. When did “the unfriendly face” of the visitor turn truly friendly?
The unfriendly face of the visitor turn truly friendly when Ray gave fifty dollar note for his ordinary watch which was not worth that much. Also he was surprised to know that Mr Ray was deaf and dumb and ready to help him.
Question 8. How did Ray communicate with the customers?
Ray was deaf. So he used notepad and a pencil. He wrote on the notepad. The visitor also wrote his reply on paper.
Question 9. “The watch was nothing special and yet had great powers”. In what sense did it have ‘great powers’?
The watch was ordinary. But it had the power to pull a person out of difficult situation. The stranger got money he needed and Ray the shopkeeper also escaped from any injury. So in this sense the watch had great powers.
Question 10. Ray was a handicapped, how was he managing his customers?
Ray was the owner of an old clock shop. He was deaf and dumb. He communicated with his customers by writing on a notepad.
Question 11. How did Ray handle the two shoppers?
Ray observed that two men hadn’t come to buy anything. Ray hide his growing fear and he kept cool. He paid fifty dollars in exchange for an old watch. That pleased the man. He said ‘Merry Christmas’ to Ray before he walked out of the shop.
Question 12. Who came to the shop at the time of closing?
The two persons came to Ray’s shop just before the shop closed. One was young and the other was older one was nearly fifty. They had an evil plan to, rob Ray of his cash.’’
Question 13. What message did the old clocks impart?
The old clocks and timepieces in Ray’s shop chimed all together. They spread the message of peace on earth and goodwill towards all.
Question 14. What was the problem of the two shoppers? What were they going to try?
The two persons visiting Ray’s shop were in dire need of money. They were ready to take away Ray’s cash by force.
Question 15. In which shop the lights were still on?
The lights were still on in the old clock shop.
Question 16. Was Ray a pawn broker?
No, he was not a pawn broker, but he could not say ‘No’ to the needy people.
Question 17. What did the man say while returning?
He said that he would come back to pick the watch as soon as possible and wished him happy Christmas.
Question 18. What was Ray doing in his shop at such a late hour?
Ray was working on a clock in his shop at such a late hour.
Question 19. Why did Ray give the older man more money than the wrist-watch was worth for?
Ray gave the older man more money than the watch was worth for because he knew that the two men were in need of money, so he wanted to help them. He also wanted to avoid a bad situation of a loot in his shop.
Question 20. Who was Ray? What was his handicap?
Ray was the owner of an old-clock shop. He was deaf and dumb. He communicated with his customers by writing on a notepad.
Question 21. Why were the lights still on in old clock shop?
The old and deaf owner of the shop was working on a watch.
Question 22. Did he ever charge any interest on the loan amount?
No, he never charged any interest on the loan amount.
Question 23. When did the little story end?
The little story ended, when clock struck “half an hour” all together.
Question 24. Who were the two last-minute shoppers to Ray’s shop?
The two persons came to Ray’s shop just before the shop closed. One was young, the older one was nearly fifty. They had an evil plan to rob Ray of his cash.
Question 25. When did Ray get angry?
Ray felt angry when he saw the visitor keeping one of his hands restlessly in his right coat pocket and he also felt that he had a gun.
Question 26. How much money did Ray pay?
Ray paid fifty dollars.
Question 27. What was the message filled with?
The sweet massage was filled with hope.
Question 28. Why did the younger man stay at the door?
The younger man stayed at the door to probably keep a watch if somebody chanced to come in.
Long Answer Type Questions
Question 1. What is more important in life to be rich – or helping humanity? Give your opinion.
A person can accumulate wealth through various means. But if he is not a good person, fall of his character can be very obvious and then he won’t get support of anybody. Moreover, he would be deserted by his own people. Whereas, a person who contributes to the goodwill and welfare of humanity, He may not be rich in monetary terms becomes rich in winning hearts. So in my opinion, a person should work for common good.
Question 2. Clocks gave a timeless message by striking together. How?
It is true that the clocks in the shop gave a message of humanity by striking together at the midnight. They gave a sweet musical message which was filled with hope and joy. No matter how evil a mind is, it can be changed with kindness and love. The two men came to the shop with an intention to rob the shopkeeper that night as they were in dire need of money. The shopkeeper became clear in his mind and understood their motive but behaved in a gentle way. Ray’s warm behaviour changed their evil mind and they took a fifty-dollar note and went away peacefully. Ray did not show any anger. The message of peace and goodwill towards all was felt by three men in the old-clock shop, who were present in the shop at that time.
Question 3. A single person can bring change in life”. Discuss in light of the lesson.
Although Ray was deaf, his observation was impeccable. He understood the purpose of his customers and was scared. Yet, he managed to hold his fear and responded in a friendly manner. He was generous, understanding, congenial in nature. These habits enabled him to win over the unfriendly customers. His warmth melted the hearts of the two men. So a good person makes an everlasting impression on minds of many.
Question 4. How did the old clock give a timeless message through Ray?
Ray was an old and deaf dealer in old clocks. He also used to pay to the needy customers against the security of their old clocks. Two visitors came to his shop when he was going to pull the shutter down. He doubted their intentions. But he kept his cool. He offered them fifty dollars for an old clock. He did so as a gesture of goodwill and peace. The timepiece rang out a musical message filled with hope. All the three persons who stood in the shop heard the timeless message of peace on earth and goodwill towards all.
Question 5. Sketch the character of Ray in about 80 words. What qualities of Ray do you admire most?
Ray was an old and deaf owner of an old clock-shop. He repaired and sold old clocks. He communicated with his customers using pen and paper. But he was wise with long experience. Anger boiled within him when he noticed a gun in the man’s pocket. But he remained cool. He was generous and helpful also. He overpaid his visitors in need. He sent away the unfriendly visitors quite happy.
Question 6. “Ray was able to hide his growing fear”. What did Ray fear? Why was he trying to hide his fear?
Ray had understood that the two men were not customers, but robbers. He feared that they had come to loot him. He had also seen a gun in the right coat pocket of the older man. Ray was trying to hide his fear because he did not want the two men to know that he had understood their intention.