Chapter 6 The Hundred Dresses Part 2 Important Questions Class 10 First Flight English

Chapter 6 The Hundred Dresses Part 2 Important Questions Class 10 First Flight English

Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1. What did Wanda’s house remind Maddie of?


Wanda’s shabby but clean house reminded Maddie of her faded blue cotton dress.

Question 2. What did Miss Mason say about the hurting of any one’s feeling?


She said that it was unfortunate and sad to hurt someone’s feelings.

Question 3. What would Peggy ask Wanda?


Peggy would ask Wanda how many dresses she had.

Question 4. Where was Wanda’s family moving?


Her family was moving to a big city.

Question 5. What gift did Wanda give to Maddie?


She gave her the drawing of a dress in blue colours.

Question 6. What did Wanda do for the dresses?


Wanda gave away a hundred dresses to girls and blue as well as green to Maddie and Peggy respectively.

Question 7. What was the content of Mr Petronski’s letter?


The letter said that Wanda would come no more to that school because students made fun of her strange name.

Question 8. What happened when Miss Mason read the letter?


There was a deep silence in the class.

Question 9. Where did Peggy and Maddie go that evening after school hours?


They both went to the Boggins Heights to meet Wanda.

Question 10. Where did Wanda live?


Wanda lived at Boggins Heights.

Question 11. What gift did Wanda give to Peggy


She gave her the drawing of a dress with a green colour.

Question 12. Which drawing did Wanda ask to give to Peggy?


Wanda wrote in the letter that she would like Peggy to have the drawing of the green dress with the red trimming.

Question 13. Who read Mr Petronski’s letter to the class?


Miss Mason read Mr Petronski’s letter to the class.

Question 14. Why did Maddie call herself coward?


Maddie called herself coward because she never stopped Peggy from making fun of Wanda.

Question 15. Why did Maddie have a sick feeling at the bottom of her stomach?


Maddie felt it very bad of making fun of Wanda by Peggy for filer poverty.

Question 16. Where would Peggy and Maddie wait for Wanda?


They would wait for Wanda in the school yard.

Question 17. Who did Maddie and Peggy write a letter to?


They wrote a letter to Wanda.

Question 18. Who made the pictures on the walls of Room Thirteen?


Wanda Petronski had made the pictures.

Question 19. What did Maddie find when she looked at the drawing intently?


She found that the head and face in the drawing resembled her own.

Question 20. How was Room Thirteen decorated?


Room Thirteen was decorated with Christmas bells and a small tree.

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1. What did Miss mason say to the class after she read the letter of Wanda’s father?


Miss mason read the letter of Wanda’s father. After that she told the class that none of the boys and girls would hurt anyone’s feeling due to a funny name. She said that was said in thoughtlessness. What had happened was unfortunate and sad. She asked all the students to think about that. That shouldn’t be repeated.

Question 2. What did Mr Petronski’s letter say?


Mr Petronski was shifting to a bigger city. As bigger cities had more cosmopolitan population, so, there were lesser chances of getting funny glances from others. He was not happy with the treatment his children were getting in the school. As people of cities get to see and interact with people from a wider geographies and ethnicities so they become more resilient at dealing with them.

Question 3. What does Maddie want to do?


Maddie wants to meet Wanda to show her true feelings towards Wanda. She wants to say sorry and to convey that all was part of childhood prank and people really love Wanda.

Question 4. What are Maddie’s thoughts as they go to Boggins Heights?


Maddie is feeling bad about Wanda and herself. She is feeling very sad for not even getting a chance to say sorry to Wanda.

Question 5. How did the girls know that Wanda liked them even though they had teased her?


An act of making a portrait requires lots of observation of the face. Until and unless an artist likes a subject, it will not be motivating enough for the artist. The way Wanda made everyone’s faces on drawings shows she liked them in spite of being teased by them.

Question 6. What important decision did Maddie make? Why did she have to think hard to do so?


Maddie realized that see was coward and it was not good to be a coward. Earlier, she was torn between her loyalty to Peggy and her sense of right and wrong. But after the Petronsky’s decision to leave the town, she mustered the courage to fight for justice instead of suffering the ignominy of being a mute spectator of racial discrimination.

Question 7. Why do you think Wanda gave Maddie and Peggy the drawings of the dresses? Why are they surprised?


It can be assumed that Wanda may have developed some inclination towards Maddie and Peggy. While suffering the humiliation of the dresses game; she must have closely observed these two girls. She may have planned to give a parting gift to these two girls to teach them an important lesson of life, i.e. of respect for individuals.

Question 8. Why did Maddie have a very sick feeling in the bottom of her stomach


Maddie was highly agitated when the teacher read Wanda’s father’s letter to the class. She could not put her mind on the work. She had a very sick feeling in the bottom of her stomach. She cursed herself that she remained silent when poor Wanda was being teased by Peggy. Her silence was as bad as what Peggy had done.

Question 9. What did Miss Mason receive from the Principal’s office? Why did she read it several times thoughtfully? 


The Principal received a letter. It was sent to Miss Mason. It was a letter from Wanda Petronski’s father. The content of the matter was such that it affected Miss Mason deeply. She read it several times. She thought it deeply before disclosing it to the class.

Question 10. What excuses does Peggy think up for her behaviour? Why?


Peggy makes an excuse that she never called her a foreigner or made fun of her name. She says that she did not know that Wanda would feel hurt.

Question 11. Where had Maddie pinned Wanda drawing in her bedroom?


Maddie carried Wanda’s drawing carefully. She pinned her drawing over a torn place in the pink- flowered wallpaper in her bedroom. The shabby room came alive from the brilliance of the colours.

Question 12. Why did Peggy and Maddie go to Bogin’s Height? What did Maddie want to tell Wanda?


Maddie and Peggy went to Wanda’s house at Bogin’s Height to find out whether Wanda was still there or left. If they found her there they would tell her that she had won the contest and that she was smart and a hundred dresses were beautiful. They would also apologize to her for teasing her.

Question 13. How does Maddie feel after listening to the note from Wanda’s father?


Maddie feels very sad. She could not put her mind to her work. She had a very sick feeling in the bottom of her stomach.

Question 14What did Wanda writes in her letter? 


Wanda Petronski wrote a letter to her previous teacher Miss Mason. She requested her to tell the girls of Room Thirteen that they could keep those hundred dresses. She wished that Peggy would have the drawing of the green dress and Maddie of the blue one. She wrote that she missed her old school. Her new teacher couldn’t equalise Miss Mason.

Question 15. What happened when Maddie and Peggy recognised Wanda’s house?


There was no one in the house. Peggy knocked at the door. But she could not get any answer. Peggy repeated it but all in vain. After this they were confirmed that there was no one in the house.

Question 16. How would you compare and contrast Peggy and Maddie?


Peggy and Maddie were closest friends. Peggy was the most popular girl in the class. She was pretty, had pretty dresses and could draw better than other girls. She was not really cruel but rather insensitive in teasing Wanda about her hundred dresses. Maddie was a poor girl who couldn’t speak up against her friend and benefactor, Peggy. She wore handed down old dresses given by Peggy. In the end, she decided to speak up against injustice even if it meant losing Peggy’s friendship.

Question 17. What are Maddie’s thoughts as they go to Boggins Heights?


Maddie was thinking that she would tell Wanda they were sorry for their behaviour and ask her not to move away as everybody would be nice to her.

Question 18. Why couldn’t Maddie sleep that night when she returned from Boggins Heights? 


Maddie wanted to say sorry to Wanda. But when she could not find her at Boggins Heights, she thought that she had missed a chance to say sorry to her. That night she could not sleep. She thought about Wanda, her faded dress and her little house. She thought about her hundred dresses. She was restless.

Question 19. Why does Wanda’s house remind Maddie of Wanda’s blue dress?


Maddie and Peggy reached Wanda’s little house at Boggins Heights. The house and its little yard looked shabby but clean. It reminded Maddie of Wanda’s one dress, her faded blue cotton dress, shabby but clean.

Question 20. Why has Wanda’s father written a letter to Mrs Mason?


Jan Petronski, father of Wanda writte a letter to Miss Mason who is Wanda’s teacher, to inform her that Wanda and Jake would not come to school anymore as they had shifted to a big city. He also made an indirect complaint. He wrote that no one would make fun of Wanda’s name and call her ‘Pollack’ because there would be many funny names and foreigners like her in a big city.

Question 21. What does Maddie want to do?


Maddie wants to tell Wanda that she never meant to insult her. She was sorry for everything. She did not want Wanda to leave that place. She wants to tell her that she was very much troubled over the incident.

Question 22. Why did Miss Mason call it an `unfortunate and sad’ thing to happen? 


Miss Mason was deeply pained to know the reason why Wanda’s father had gone to a big and new city. She hoped that none of the boys and girls in Room Thirteen would purposely and deliberately hurt anyone’s feelings because his or her name happened to be a long, unfamiliar one. It was really a sad and unfortunate thing that should not have happened. She wanted all of them to think about it.

Question 23. Did they get a reply? Who was more anxious for a replay, Peggy or Maddie? How do you know?


Weeks went by and still Wanda did not answer to Peggy and Maddie. After a long period of time, the reply was received by the school. Maddie was more anxious for a reply. Peggy had begun to forget the whole business. But Maddie did not forget Wanda. She used to make speeches about Wanda before going to bed.

Question 24. How did Peggy try to defend herself by making excuses? 


Wanda’s father’s letter had mentally upset Maddie. However, Peggy was not so much moved. On the other hand, she tried to defend herself. She told Maddie that she never called Wanda a foreigner. Nor did she make fun of her name. She didn’t think that Wanda had the sense to know that they were making fun of her. Her questioning about her dresses only gave her new ideas about dresses and helped her in winning the contest.

Question 25. What was the hardest thinking that Maddie had done and what was the result? 


Maddie was thinking sadly about Wanda and her hundred dresses. This was the hardest thinking that she had ever done. Then, she reached an important conclusion. She decided that she would never stand by and say nothing again. She would speak up if someone teased others because they were funny-looking or had strange names. Even if it meant losing Peggy’s friendship.

Question 26. What did the girls know at last?


From Wanda’s designs, both the girls—Maddie and Peggy came to know that Wanda liked them very much. Wanda designed their faces on her dresses. Although they teased her, yet she loved them. Now they were deep down hurt for their behaviour.

Question 27. Why did Maddie and Peggy go to Wanda Petronski’s home? 


Maddie and Peggy wanted to go to Wanda Petronski’s house at Bogin’s Heights to apologize to her for teasing her. They wanted to tell her that she had won the drawing competition and that she was smart and a hundred drawings of dresses were beautiful.

Question 28. What did Maddie want to tell Wanda?


Maddie thought if she could do anything that might assuage Wanda Petronski. She wanted to tell her that she had not meant to hurt her feelings. She decided to go to Boggins Heights to meet Wanda. Perhaps she was still there. She would tell Wanda that she had won the contest and they thought she was smart. And her hundred dresses were beautiful.

Question 29. What did Wanda’s shabby but clean house remind Maddie? 


The two girls reached Boggins Heights where Petronskis lived. They lived in a little white house. Wisps of old grass stuck up here and there along the pathway. The house and its little yard looked shabby but clean. It reminded Maddie of Wanda’s faded blue dress which also looked shabby but clean.

Question 30. How did Peggy and Maddie interpret and react to Wanda’s letter?


Peggy was excited. The letter showed that Wanda really liked them. Everything was all right. But Maddie was sad. She felt sad because she knew that she would never see that little Polish girl again. She knew that they would never really make things right between them.

Question 31. Is Miss Mason angry with the class, or is she unhappy and upset?


When Miss Mason came to know that the class had been making fun of Wanda Petronski’s name, she was both unhappy and upset. She was not angry but she was troubled to know the incident.

Question 32. What did Maddie and Peggy notice on the designs, prepared by Wanda? 


When Maddie hanged the design in her bedroom, she became very surprised to I see her own picture in it. She looked at very carefully. She was very curious to tell Peggy. She told this to Peggy and she also found the same.

Question 33. How did the town look on Christmas Eve? 


On Christmas Eve, the town looked very beautiful. There were celebrations all around. All the houses were being decorated. The Christmas trees were decorated at many public places. The colour papers were hanging everywhere. Each place was full of happiness.

Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1. What did Maddie and Peggy write in the letter to Wanda? What happened to it? How did Maddie behave even though Peggy had begun to forget the whole business?


Peggy and Maddie wrote a friendly letter to Wanda. Rather than being sorry they asked her about her new school, new teacher. They told her about the result of drawing contest which she had won and that her drawings were very beautiful. They meant to say sorry indirectly. They signed it with lot of X’s for love and didn’t say anything to tease her. But they did not get any reply from her. After sometime Peggy had begun to forget the whole business. But Maddie was surrounded by the thoughts of Wanda and everything that happened to Wanda. She felt guilty and decided not to be silent anymore so that other might not feel ashamed like her.

Question 2. How can you say that Maddie is an emotional girl? Compare and contrast Maddie and Peggy.


By a close reading of the lesson it can be said that Maddie is an emotional girl. Being a close friend of Peggy she remains by her side when Peggy teases Wanda but she feels bad for her. She decides to write a note to Peggy to stop teasing Wanda but tears it as she doesn’t want to be the next target of fun. In the end she decides to stand against anyone who teases others even if she has to lose her friend, which shows her emotional attribute.
As compared to Maddie, Peggy is an arrogant girl. She teases Wanda by asking her about dresses, but she is not cruel as she helps children from bullies and cries when she sees an animal being hurt. But she tries to make fun of Wanda every time and defends herself.
So, both the girls have different personalities and attributes which can be directed by their actions.

Question 3. Give a character sketch of Wanda Petronski?


Wanda Petronski a polish girl has shifted to America with her parents and younger brother. She is very kind and simple-hearted; she never behaves badly with anyone. She feels disturbed when Peggy teases her. But she replies confidently and courageously to what Peggy says to her. She wears the same blue faded dress everyday but she never complains about anything. She is very talented and has a good hand at drawing. She also wins the drawing contest and thus shows her creative side.

She is forgiving and generous as she forgives Peggy and Maddie by gifting them two of her drawings in which she draws their faces. So, it can be said that she is a mature, sensible and loving girl who cares about everyone.

Question 4. Why did Wanda’s father Mr Jan Petronski write a letter to Miss Mason? What effect did it leave on the teacher, Peggy and Maddie? 


Wanda’s father Mr Jan Petronski wrote a letter to Wanda’s teacher, Miss Mason. He made it clear that her daughter Wanda Petronski would not come to her previous school anymore. Nor would Jake. He was shocked at the treatment his daughter met at the hands of her classmates just because she looked funny and her name was long and unfamiliar. They had moved to a big city where plenty of people with funny names lived.

The letter of Wanda’s father disturbed Miss Mason mentally. She was very sad. She hoped that none of the boys and girls of her class would purposely and deliberately hurt anyone’s feelings. They wouldn’t do such a thing because his or her name happened to be a long, unfamiliar one. Peggy was not as sensitive as Maddie but still offered to go to see Wanda at Boggins Heights. Maddie was totally upset. She had a very sick feeling in the bottom of her stomach. She decided to go and meet Wanda and tell her that she had won the contest. She would also tell her that she was smart and her hundred dresses were beautiful.

Question 5. Maddie thought her silence was as bad as Peggy’s teasing. Was she right?


Maddie and Peggy were good friends. Maddie was good at heart and could never think of insulting or hurting anyone. Peggy used to make fun of Wanda by asking her how many dress she had. Maddie did not like this but she never opposed Peggy. Once she decided to write a note to Peggy asking her not to insult Wanda but could not muster courage. When Wanda’s family decided to leave the city, Maddie felt bad. She realised that she was also responsible for that unfortunate incident. She was as bad as Peggy. Her silence was as bad as Peggy’s teasing. She should have spoken and stopped Peggy and others from making fun of Wanda.

Question 6. What did Pew, and Maddie write to Wanda? What happened on the last day of school before Christmas?


Peggy and Muddle wrote a letter to Wanda. They praised Wanda’s drawings. They wrote to her that she had won the contest. A number of days passed but there was no answer from Wanda. Peggy had begun to forget the whole incident. Maddie tried to sleep at night making speeches about Wanda. Then it was Christmas time. On the last day of school, Miss Mason received a letter from Wanda. She showed the letter to the class and read it. Wanda had written that the girls could keep those hundred dresses because in her new house she had a hundred new ones. She had gifted the green dress with the red trimmings to Peggy. She wrote that Maddie could have a blue dress. She wished Merry Christmas to all. They accepted the drawings. On the way home Peggy and Maddie held their drawings very carefully.

Question 7. What did Wanda’s father write in his letter? How did Maddie feel after listening to that letter?


In his letter, Wanda’s father had informed Miss Mason that Wanda would not come to school anymore. They were moving to a big city. In that city, nobody would consider her name funny and laugh at her. The entire class became silent and felt bad about Wanda. Miss Mason understood their feelings. She told them that no one should hurt anyone’s feelings because his or her name was long or funny. She said that what had happened in the school about Wanda was bad. She asked them to third about that. Maddie listened to what Miss Mason said about Wanda. She could not concentrate on her studies. She had a sick feeling. It was the tree that she had never made fun of Wanda herself. But at the same time, she had not objected Peggy’s asking Wanda about her dresses. She felt that she was a coward.

Question 8. Give the character-sketch of Maddie. 


Maddie was the classmate of Peggy and poor and Wanda. She was Peggy’s inseparable friend. Both were always seen together. She was wearing hand-me-down clothes, mostly of Peggy with a little innovation. She did not like Peggy’s making fun of Wanda. She used to feel uncomfortable; perhaps it reminded her of her own poverty.
She was not courageous. Once she wrote a note to Peggy asking her to stop teasing Wanda but tore it. She was afraid that Peggy and other girls would make her the next target. She had a high opinion about Peggy. She thought that the most liked girl could never do something really wrong. She also thought that Peggy would win the art contest. She was sensitive and emotional. Many nights before sleeping she would give imaginary speeches defending Wanda when others teased her.

Question 9. What important decision did Maddie make? Why did she have to think hard to do so?


Maddie and Peggy were very close friends. Peggy used to make fun of Wanda. Though Maddie never said anything to Wanda but her silence always supported Peggy. She never liked Peggy teasing Wanda and asking about her dresses because she herself was very poor. Wanda Petronski was deeply hurt by Peggy’s remarks and her family decided to leave the city. Peggy and Maddie never expected this incident. Maddie was very upset and could not sleep the whole night. She kept on thinking about Wanda, her faded blue dress, the little house she was living in and glowing pictures of hundred dresses she had made for contest.
She felt that her silence was as bad as Peggy’s teasing. She took an important decision. It was that she was never going to stand by and say nothing again. If she found anybody treating someone unkindly she would speak up. She would not care even for Peggy’s friendship. From now on she would never make anybody else that unhappy again. It was a hard decision because she never wanted to lose Peggy’s friendship.

Question 10. Give the character-sketch of Peggy.


Peggy was a rich, pretty girl with curly hair. She was the most liked girl in her class. She had many beautiful dresses. She was intelligent, good in studies, scored good marks and sat in the front row. She could understand the hidden message of Wanda’s gifts that she liked her and Maddie and was not angry with them for teasing her. At times she seemed bossy and dominated Maddie who was her close friend. She loved fun and enjoyed teasing Wanda, playing the game of hundred dresses with her.
She was not crud as she would cry for hours if she saw any animal being mistreated. She was a self-righteous girl. She thought she did nothing wrong teasing Wanda. Anyhow, she never made fun of her name or called her a foreigner.

Question 11. Wanda was a poor girl, in the beginning. She suffered much humiliation. Later she won everyone’s appreciation. What traits of character helped her achieve this? What lesson should we learn from it?


“The Hundred Dresses – II” gives out a moral lesson of what a person should be like as Wanda displays herself in the given situation.
Wanda Petronski’s letter enlightens her greatness which gives us a view of her nature as a simple, loving, caring, and friendly human being. She gifts her drawings to Peggy and Maddie though they teased her a lot. It shows how great she is as it requires a lot of courage and patience to do so. An ordinary person can not do that and would definitely hate them but Wanda shows polite and peaceful traits of her character.
In our society it is very difficult to find such a character but such traits are must to be good human being. Here, in our society, people tease others with racist remarks, which are not a sign of good civilisation. A polite and friendly manner is good for society and human beings.
Wanda is portrayed to be a humble person. We all should try to have or acquire such traits in our character so that everyone praises us and we can live peacefully.

Question 12. How did Maddie feel when she and Peggy could not find Wanda? What important conclusion did Maddie reach then? 


When Maddie and Peggy did not find Wanda at Bogin’s Heights, Maddie felt much disturbed. The whole night she kept thinking about Wanda, the way they used to make fun of her, her drawings of a hundred dresses, her faded blue dress and the little house they lived in. She thought hard and made a resolution. From then onwards she would never stand by and remain silent if anyone made fun of or treated someone unkindly for her or his funny name or looks. She would speak up. She was ready to lose Peggy’s friendship on that point.

Question 13. Why do you think Wanda’s family moved to a different city? Do you think life there was going to be different for the family?


Wanda’s family could no longer tolerate the mockery she was subjected to other students made fun of her name and called her ‘Pollack’. Peggy and other girls often teased her by asking her about her hundred dresses which she said she had ‘all lined up in her closet’ but wore the same faded blue dress that was too long and hung loosely on her body.

Fed up by this teasing Wanda’s family shifted to a big city where there were a lot of foreigners with unfamiliar names. One cannot be certain whether the life of Wanda’s family was going to be different in the city. But one thing seems certain that no one would have made fun of Wanda’s name or looks.

Question 14. What was Miss Mason’s reaction after reading Wanda Petronski’s father’s letter?


Miss Mason was in Room Thirteen. She got a letter from the principal’s room. It was from Wanda’s father. After reading it, she was very unhappy and upset. She looked at the students and spoke in a low voice that Wanda would not come to that school any more because the students made fun of her and hurt her feelings. On listening the letter the class became silent and Miss Mason called it an unfortunate thing. Maddie could not focus herself in studies. She was deeply hurt and sad. She was thinking to do something. She wanted to tell Wanda that she had never meant to hurt her feelings. She decided to accompany Peggy to see Wanda. There she would tell Wanda that she had won the contest. They would say that she was smart and her hundred dresses were beautiful.

Question 15. What happened when Maddie and Peggy reached Wanda’s house? What decision did Maddie make?


Peggy and Maddie found Wanda’s house in Boggins Heights. The house looked shabby but clean. It reminded Maddie of Wanda’s one dress. But there was no one in the house. Peggy knocked at the door. There was no response. Wanda and her family had already left the place. They came back. Peggy said that her asking Wanda about her dresses actually helped her. Otherwise, perhaps she might not have won the drawing contest. But Maddie was not satisfied. She could not sleep that night. She thought of Wanda, her drawings and her house. At last, she made a decision. She decided that she would not keep quiet if someone made fun of anybody before her. She would not mind even she had to lose Peggy’s friendship. She had no way of making things right with Wanda, but now she would never make anybody unhappy.

Question 16. Do you think Wanda really thought the girls were teasing her? Why or why not?


Yes, Wanda was not a dumb girl. She was a sensitive girl who could very well understand what Peggy was trying to do. Whenever Peggy asked her about dresses she used to reply that she had a hundred dresses. She knew that Peggy was making fun of her dress but she never opened her mouth. She was a foreigner in that school and had no friends. She tried to adjust but failed. Later on she decided to leave. the school and shift to a big city. Has she not thought that the girls were teasing her she would not have left the school and the place.

Question 17. How did Peggy and Maddie realise Wanda’s feelings that she liked them? 


Peggy and Maddie realised that Wanda liked them very much through her letter and drawings. Wanda replied to Maddie and Peggy and wished them all a Merry Christmas. In addition to that, she also wrote in the letter that Peggy should be given the drawing of the green dress and Maddie should be given the drawing of the blue dress. Maddie saw that Wanda had drawn her picture in the drawing of the blue dress and in the same way, the drawing of the green dress had been drawn for Peggy. Thus they came to know that Wanda liked them very much.

Question 18. What did Maddie and Peggy decide to do after hearing the letter? 


After hearing the letter, Maddie and Peggy were very sad. They wanted to say sorry to Wanda. They felt ashamed. Maddie immediately decided to go to Boggins Heights looking for Wanda. Peggy was also ready for it. After school, both of them started hurriedly towards Wanda’s house.

When they reached Boggins Heights, they saw a little white house. Small bundles of old grass were there on the path and its yard was looking shabby. It reminded Maddie of Wanda’s blue dress. They knocked at the door but did not get any reply. After this, they went to the backyard but they could not get an answer.

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