Chapter 8 Mijbil the Otter Important Questions Class 10 First Flight English

Very Short Answer Type Questions
Question 1. How did the woman in the aeroplane react to seeing the otter?
She stood up on her seat and screamed out ‘A rat! A rat!’.
Question 2. What did Mijbil invent?
Mijbil invented a new game with the ping-pong ball.
Question 3. Why did the author book a flight to Paris instead of going directly to London?
He did not book a flight to London as the British airline would not fly an animal.
Question 4. Who visited author’s room in Basra?
Two Arabs visited author’s room in Basra.
Question 5. Why was the author’s home at Camusfearna a fit place for an otter?
It was a fit place for an otter because it was surrounded by water.
Question 6. Why did the author cable to England?
The author cabled to England to get information about the status of his mail.
Question 7. Why the otter was named ‘Maxwell’s otter’?
The otter was of a race previously unknown to science and was at length christened by zoologists as ‘Maxwell’s otter’.
Question 8. How did Mijbil spend his time?
Mijbil spent his time in playing with rubber ball.
Question 9. From where could Maxwell get an otter?
He could get an otter from Tigris marshes in Iraq.
Question 10. What did the author give the air hostess?
He gave the air hostess a parcel which contained fish for the otter.
Question 11. How did the otter look?
The otter was a small creature and it resembled with a medically conceived dragon. It was coated with symmetrical seals at mud from head to the rip at the tail.
Question 12. What did the author decide to experiment?
The author decided to have an otter as a pet instead of a dog.
Question 13. Why did the author go to Basra?
He went to Basra to collect and answer his mail from Europe.
Question 14. What name did the scientists give to Mij’s species?
They gave his species the name of ‘Maxwell Otter’.
Question 15. What did the labourer want to know?
The labourer wanted to know the species of Mijbil.
Question 16. What happened when Maxwell would call the otter by his name?
Mij would follow Maxwell without a lead and come to him when his name was called.
Question 17. What did the author’s friend advise him?
The author’s friend advised him to get an otter from the Tigris marshes.
Question 18. What did the otter want to do?
Mijbil, the otter was trying to turn the tap so that water could come out of it.
Short Answer Type Questions
Question 1. Why did Maxwell keep an otter as a pet?
The author’s pet dog had died and hence he was not willing to keep another dog as a pet. So, he thought of buying an otter and thought Camusfearna, ringed by water would be suitable for keeping an otter.
Question 2. Write a short paragraph from the text to show that Mijbil was an intelligent animal.
One day Mijbil escaped from Maxwell’s room and went to the bathroom. When the writer reached there he found that the otter had turned the tap in less than a minute and he had managed to get full flow of water for a bath.
Question 3. What game did Mijbil invent?
Mij invented his own game with a ping-pong ball. He used to keep the basilica lid of the damaged suitcase which when closed, remained at a slope from one end. He to play in the water and also liked to jump and gallop the full length of the 30-yard school well.
Question 4. Describe the havoc created by Mijbil on the aeroplane when it came out of the box.
When Maxwell opened the box, Mijbil in out and disappeared at high speed Own the aircraft. He caused a great hue and cry in the aircraft. There were sounds of shrieks across the flight.
Question 5. What happened when the box was opened?
The airhostess suggested the author that he could keep the pet on his knee. The author opened the box. Mij was out of the box in a flash. He disappeared at high speed down the aircraft. There was chaos all around in the plane.
Question 6. How did the otter behave in the beginning?
In the beginning, the otter was neither hostile nor friendly. He was simply aloof and indifferent. He referred to sleep on the floor as far from the writer’s bed as possible.
Question 7. How did Mijbil fumble at the tap in the bathroom? Did he succeed?
Maxwell saw Mijbil standing up on the end of his bathtub. He was fumbling at the taps with his paws. Very soon he turned the tap to produce a trickle of water. And soon after he achieved the full flow.
Question 8. Why did Maxwell call the air hostess “the queen of her kind?”
Maxwell was worried about Mijbil’s welfare. Mijbil was exhausted and wounded. His condition was very miserable in the box. Maxwell wanted Mijbil to be free. The airhostess allowed him to have Mijbil on his knee. Out of gratitude for her sympathy and kindness, the author said so.
Question 9. What happened when Maxwell decided to transport Mijbil to England by air?
When Maxwell decided to transport Mijbil to England, Mijbil was kept into a box. He tore off the box and wounded himself. Then Mijbil disappeared down the aircraft, terrorizing the other passengers. After that, he settled on Maxwell’s knee and gave no further inconvenience to others.
Question 10. What were the wild guesses that the average Londoners make in recognising Mijbil? Whose remark was adjudged best by Maxwell?
The average Londoners were surprised to see such a unique animal. They made wild guesses about the otter. Some called him ‘a baby seal’, ‘a squirrel’, ‘a walrus’. Others called him ‘beaver’, ‘a bear cub’ and ‘a leopard’. The best remark came from a labourer. On seeing Mijbil, he asked, “What is that supposed to be?”
Question 11. What happened when Maxwell opened the box on the plane?
When Maxwell opened the box, Mijbil flashed out and disappeared at high speed down the aircraft. He caused a great hue and cry in the aircraft. There were sounds of shrieks across the flight.
Question 12. Why did the writer stay in Basra?
The writer and his friend were going to Basra to the Consulate—General to collect and answer their mails. They found that the mail of his friend was available but the author had to stay in Basra for five days.
Question 13. Which groups of animals do otters belong to?
Otters belong to a small group of animals called Mussel lines. They are water-loving animals and are generally found in marshy areas. They are intelligent, fun-loving and playful and are harmless beautiful creatures.
Question 14. Why did Maxwell put the otter back in the box? How do you think he felt when he did this?
Maxwell was getting late for the flight. There were only ten minutes left for the flight to take off and the airport was five miles away. Hence he had to put the otter back into the box. He felt bad about doing so but he had no other option.
Question 15. What did his friend advise Maxwell?
Maxwell had already decided to keep an otter as a pet instead of a dog. He casually mentioned it to a friend. He advised Maxwell that he should try to get an otter in the Tigris marshes. Otters were as common there as were mosquitoes. They were often tamed by the Arabs.
Question 16. How would Mijbil play with a rubber ball, and jiggle with small objects and marbles?
Mijbil spent hours shuffling a rubber ball around the room like a four-footed soccer player. But the real game which Mijbil enjoyed most was juggling with small objects with his paws lying on his back. Mijbil’s favourite toys for his play were marbles.
Question 17. How did Maxwell learn of Mijbil’s love for water?
Mij loved to play in the water. Only once did the author lead him to the bathroom. Maximum time he went to the bathroom on his own. He went wild in the water, plunged and rolled in it. He shot up and down the bathtub and made enough slosh and splash in it.
Question 18. How did Mijbil pass his time in London?
Mij on his way home every day used to tug Maxwell to the low wall of a primary school opposite to his flat. Mij would jump on to it, gallop the full length of its thirty yards and cause a hopeless distraction to both pupils and staff within the primary school.
Question 19. What would Mij do on the low wall adjoining the school opposite to Maxwell’s flat in London?
Along the frontage of the school ran a low wall about two feet high. Mij would tug Maxwell to this wall. Then Mij would jump on to it, and run with leaps the full length of its thirty yards.
Question 20. Where did Mijbil disappear and how was he found?
The moment the box was open Mij was out of it in a flash. He soon disappeared down the aircraft. There were squawks and shrieks. A woman stood up crying for “A rat! A rat!” Mijbil was found beneath the legs of a turbaned Indian. Maxwell dived for him but found his face covered in curry. In the end, Mijbil himself came and sat on Maxwell’s knee.
Long Answer Type Questions
Question 1. How did the otter look when the author got it? What name did he get it? How did the otter enjoy being in the bathroom?
The otter was a small creature like a small dragon. It was covered with mud from head to tail. Under the mud, it had soft velvet skin. The author named the otter ‘Mijbil’. His race was unknown to scientists. On the first night, it slept on the floor. The next slipped on the author’s bed and slept between his knees. Mijbil started taking interest in its surroundings. When Mijbil was taken to the bathroom he enjoyed his bath. He went wild with joy in the water of the tub. The author knew that the otters are fond of water. Two days later, Mijbil escaped from the bedroom. It went to the bathroom. He sat into the bathtub and turned the tap on. He was happy under the running water.
Question 2. What are some of the things we come to know about otters from this text?
Some of the things we come to know about otters from this text are as under:
- They are intelligent, friendly and fun-loving creatures.
- They love to see water flowing.
- They don't like static water.
- They love galloping and jumping.
- They like to be in water.
Question 3. Describe the relationship between the otter and Maxwell in your own words.
Maxwell and the otter Mijbil shared a lovely relationship. Maxwell treated Mij like his own son. He took very good care of him. He gave him many toys including marbles, rubber bands, rubber fruits and a terrapin shell to play with. He took him to the bathtub to play in the water knowing the fascination of otters with water. He noticed his habits and traits. Mijbil hesitated on the first day but then became very friendly. Maxwell encouraged Mijbil to do whatever he liked to do. He took him out for exercise every day. When Maxwell saw blood on the box in which Mij was packed, he was horrified. When Mij came out of the box he jumped all over but then came and sat on Maxwell’s knees quietly.
Question 4. Mijbil did things which demonstrated its personality. Which qualities of the narrator are shown in his care for Mijbil?
Mijbil was an intelligent, fun-loving and playful otter. It was fond of water. When Maxwell took it to the bathroom, for half an hour, it went wild with joy in the water, plunging and rolling in it. Maxwell treated Mijbil like his own son. He took care of him very well. He gave him lots of toys including marbles, rubber balls, rubber fruits and a terrapin shell to play with. He also noticed Mijbil‘s habits and traits. Maxwell encouraged Mijbil to do whatever he liked to do. He took him out for exercise every day. When Maxwell saw him in blood, he was horrified. He took him out of the box; he jumped all over and then sat on Maxwell‘s lap quietly.
Question 5. Why did Maxwell want to have an otter for a pet? How did he get one?
Gavin Maxwell, the author, wanted to own a pet. His pet dog had died recently and he was feeling too sad to think of keeping a dog as a pet again. So when he travelled to Southern Iraq, he decided to keep an otter instead of a dog. His friend suggested to Maxwell that he could get an otter in the Tigris marshes for they were very common there, like mosquitoes. Moreover, the friend also informed, that otters were often trained by the Arabs. Eventually, Maxwell and his friend went to Basra to the Consulate-General to collect their mail. Later on, i.e., a few days later the author received his mail and took it to his bedroom to ‘iced. There, he found two Arabs squatting on the floor with the sack that contained the otter with a letter from his friend that said, “Here is your otter….”.
Question 6. How did it come to the mind of the writer that an otter can be substituted for dogs or cats?
The author’s pet dog had died, he was too sad to think of keeping a dog again. Maxwell’s friend suggested him to get an otter from Tigris marshes for they were as common as mosquitoes over there. Moreover, they were often trained by the Arabs. He had to go to Basra to the Consulate-General to collect and answer his mail. His mail had not arrived yet so he had to wait. There he received an otter sent by his friend through two Arabs. The author felt a strong attachment and feelings for it. He liked it and kept it.
Question 7. What did Maxwell do to transport Mijbil to England?
After the British Airways refused to take a pet on its flight, the narrator booked a flight to Paris by another airline. This airline insisted that the pet should be packed into a box not more than eighteen inches square, to be carried on the floor near his feet. Maxwell had a box made, and an hour before they started, put Mij into the box so that he would become accustomed to it and then left for a hurried meal. But when he returned he was terrified. There was an appalling silence. Maxwell found blood had trickled and dried around the air holes of the box. He tore open the box to find Mij exhausted, and blood splattered, and whimpering and he caught hold of Maxwell‘s leg. However, since he had very little time left to board the flight, Maxwell just put Mij back into the box, holding down the lid with his hand. On the flight, the stewardess, on hearing the author‘s tale, permitted him to travel with Mij on his knee. After the initial chaos, Mijbil travelled to London on the author‘s knee.
Question 8. How did the author make arrangements for transporting his otter to London?
It was time for the author to come back from Iraq. He dreaded the prospect of transporting Mij to England. He knew that the British Airline would not fly animals. So he had to book a flight to Paris in another airline and another to London. The airline advised that Mij should be packed in a box. The author put Mij into it the box an hour before he started for the airport so that Mij would become accustomed to it. Then the author went for a meal. When he returned there was silence in the box. He noticed blood from the air holes. He at once opened it. He found Mij troubled and covered with blood. Mij had torn the inner lining of the box. It was just ten minutes to the flight and the airport was five miles away. So the author put it back in the box and hurried to the airport. The car driver drove very fact.
Question 9. Why was Mijbil, the otter was christened Maxwell’s otter by zoologists? How did the otter behave in the beginning and afterwards?
The otter. Mijbil was, in fact, of a race previously unknown to science. At last, it was christened Lutrogale perspicillata maxwelli by zoologists. It was also called Maxwell’s otter after the name of its master.
In the beginning, Mijbil was neither hostile or friendly. He was totally aloof and indifferent. He chose to sleep on the floor as far from Maxwell’s bed as possible. But the change started coming from the second night. He came on to his bed and remained asleep in the crook of his knees. He began to lose his indifference and apathy. He started taking a keen interest in his surroundings. Later on, he became playful and started enjoying his stay with his owner.
Question 10. What were strange and funny wild guesses that Londoners made about Mijbil? Who made the best remark about the otter?
It was rather difficult for an average Londoner to recognise such a strange animal as an otter. Most of them had never seen such a unique animal. The thing that surprised Maxwell that Londoners made such funny and wild guesses about Mijbil, the otter. He faced a continuous barrage of questions from the anxious but ignorant people. They made random guesses about the animal. Some of them guessed that he was ‘a baby seal’ or ‘a squirrel’ or ‘a walrus’. Others also made fantastic guesses. One called Mijbil ‘a beaver’. Another called it ‘a bear cub’. The third guessed that it was `a leopard’. Mij was anything but an otter.
The question that was awarded the highest score came from a labourer. The surprised labourer spat, glared and growled out, “Here, Mister—what is that supposed to be?”