Chapter 7 Fair Play Important Questions Class 6 Honeysuckle English

Short Answer Type Questions
Question 1. “The voice of the ‘Panch’ is the voice of God.” Explain.
One should not deviate from the path of justice and truth for friendship or enmity. The ‘ Panch’ (Judge) becomes the representative of God. He is expected to put aside his personal feelings and give fair decision.
Question 2. Why was Jumman happy over Algu’s nomination as head “Panch”?
Jumman felt happiness inwardly when the old aunt named Algu as head ‘Panch’. He was sure that the decision in the transferred property will go in his favour. Algu was his best friend.
Question 3. Algu and Jumman family believed in justice. How?
Algu and Jumman belonged to two different religion. Yet both valued their friendship equally. Both had a clean conscience. Neither allowed his personal feeling to affect their love for truth and justice.
Question 4. Why did Algu turn pale?
Algu turned pale because Sahu nominated Jumman to be the head Panch who was to decide his case.
Question 5. What decisions were given by Algu and Jumman as head Panch?
‘Algu told Jumman either to pay his aunt a monthly allowance or transfer her property to her. Jumman as head Panch gave the verdict that Sahu should pay Algu the price of the bullock.
Question 6. What were the common characteristics between Algu and Jumman?
Algu and Jumman belonged to two different faiths. Yet both valued their friendship equally. Both had a clean conscience. Neither allowed his personal feelings to affect their love for truth and justice.
Question 7. What was the problem faced by the Aunt?
Jumman got his aunt’s property transferred in his name. He promised to support her. But soon they grew tired of her. His wife insulted his aunt and gave her little food.
Question 8. What did Jumman realize on being appointed as Panch?
On being appointed as Panch, Jumman realized his responsibility as a judge and the dignity of that post. A panch has no friend nor enemy. He has to do only justice.
Question 9. On what condition did Jumman get his aunt’s property?
Jumman promised to support his old aunt as long as she lived. So she transferred her property to Jumman.
Question 10. How did the old aunt get justice?
The old aunt presented her case before the village panchayat. She had faith in the honesty of Algu. So she named Algu the head Panch. Algu ignored his friendship with Jumman for the sake of truth and justice.
Question 12. What was Algu’s role in bestowing justice to the Aunt?
The old aunt presented her case before the village panchayat. She had faith in the honesty of Algu. So she nominated Algu as the head panch. Algu ignored his friendship with Jumman for the sake of truth and justice.
Question 13. What is your opinion about Algu’s being unhappy when he was nominated as Panch?
Algu was not happy when he was nominated as Panch by the old lady because his best friend Jumman was one of the parties in the case. Algu did not want to speak anything against his friend which could break his friendship.
Question 14. How does the relationship between Algu and Jumman change time to time?
Once Algu and Jumman were friends. But they became enemies when Algu decided the case in favour of the old aunt. Jumman also got a chance to take revenge. But as head panch he also liked Algu, acted as fair and just. They became friends again.
Question 15. How strong was the bond of friendship between Jumman and Algu?
The bond of friendship between Algu Chowdhry and Jumman Shaikh was so strong that when either of them went away from the village, the other looked after his family.
Question 16. What decision did Algu give? What was the effect of this decision?
Algu decided in favour of the old woman and against his friend Jumman. The result was that the bond of friendship between them was broken and they became enemies.
Question 17. Why was the Panchayat held a second time after a few months?
The Panchayat was held a second time after some months to solve Algu Chowdhry and Samjhu Sahu’s case. Algu had sold his bullock to Sahu, but Sahu had refused to pay for it because the bullock died after some days.
Question 18. How did Jumman treat his old aunt?
Jumman got his aunt’s property transferred in his name. He promised to support her. But soon they were tired of her. His wife insulted their aunt when she gave her little food.
Question 19. Jumman wanted to take his revenge. Why?
Jumman wanted to take his revenge because his best friend Algu gave the verdict in favour of his aunt instead of him, while he was expecting Algu to favour him as they were best friends, but Algu did the opposite.
Question 20. What was the behaviour of Jumman and his family towards the old lady?
The behavior of Jumman and his family towards the old lady was not good and they became indifferent to her. His wife was not happy to serve even the little food to her. Jumman’s aunt swallowed these insults with the food she was given for a long period.
Long Answer Type Questions
Question 1. What was Jumman’s verdict as head Panch? How did Algu take it?
Jumman’s verdict was that Sahu should pay Algu the price of the bullock. He said that Algu could not be blamed for the bullock’s death. Algu was delighted. He could not contain himself and cried, “Victory to the Panchayat. This is justice. God lives in the voice of the Panch.
Question 2. Which is more desirable-friendship or enmity? When does a person hear strongly the voice of his conscience?
It goes without saying that friendship is based on goodwill and respect for one another. Enmity is created by hatred and ill-will. Friendship is definitely far better than enmity. Every person has a weakness for friends. But the moment he occupies the seat of judgement, he hears the voice of his conscience and gives a fair verdict.
Question 3. “Then the situation changed.” What is being referred to?
The situation being referred is Jumman’s behaviour towards his aunt. Earlier Jumman and his family’s behaviour was good towards his aunt but gradually they started insulting her. The situation in which Jumman’s aunt transferred her property to him.
Question 4. Judge should only know about justice, there is no importance of his personal feelings. Discuss.
True, a judge should only know justice. A judge is an esteemed person and he is seated at high place where he must realize his responsibility. People come to a judge with lots of expectation and trust for a fair verdict therefore, he must not allow his personal feelings to influence the verdict. A judge should not be biased towards any of the two opposite parties. He should treat everyone equally and nothing should deviate him from the path of justice. He should do only what is just and fair. An honest judge gives verdict on the basis of facts and after examining the case from all angles. So there is no importance of his personal feelings or emotions
Question 5. How is the position and responsibility change a person’s perspective?
In the story, the circumstances made both the friends head Panch, decision makers, in different times. When Algu became head Panch, he fulfilled the responsibility abided by aunt. However, he lost his friend Jumman. Where the tables turned and Jumman became head Panch, irrespective of ill feeling he had for Algu, Jumman gave a fair judgement. The Sense of responsibility conies with the post and position. One should be trustworthy without being biased. The fair decisions leave indelible mark on the minds. If one use his position unfairly, he could save his friendship but will loose his trust forever.
Question 6. How did Jumman and Algu get over their bitterness and become friends again?
Jumman Shaikh and Algu Chowdhry broke up when Algu gave his verdict in favour of Jumman’s aunt. Algu heard the voice of his conscience and did justice. But Jumman waited for his turn to take revenge. He got that chance soon. Algu was being cheated by Sahu. Hence, a panchayat was held. Sahu named Jumman as head Panch. But as soon as Jumman occupied that seat of responsibility, he too decided the case on facts and merit. His verdict in favour of Algu brought them closer once again.
Question 7. How should we behave with elders in the society?
The elders need to be respected and looked after. They are always an asset for the family. They ask for attention and being busy, one may not look after them well. Even if one wants to spare time, he/ she may get irritated. Tolerance and attention is required by the old members of the family. They had spent years serving their family and are full of experience and wisdom. They can be a guiding source for the new generation.
Question 8. Why did Jumman Shaikh and Algu Chowdhry, the two good friends, become sworn enemies?
Jumman and Algu were fast friends. They trusted each other blindly. But an incident broke them apart. Jumman had got the property of his old aunt. But after some duration he began to ignore and ill treat her. She demanded a monthly allowance or the return of her land. The panchayat was called to hear the case. Algu as the head Panch decided the case in favour of the old aunt. The two friends became sworn enemies.
Question 9. What bring the two friends together?
When Algu announced his verdict in favour of Jumman’s aunt. Algu heard the voice of his conscience and justice. But Jumman waited for his turn to take revenge. He got that chance soon. Algu was being cheated by Sahu. Hence, a panchayat was held. Sahu named Jumman as head panch. But as soon as Jumman occupied that seat of responsibility. He too decided the case on facts and merit. His verdict was in favour of Algu. Their sense of judgments brought them together.
Question 10. The bond of friendship between Jumman and Algu came to an end. How?
The bond of friendship between Jumman and Algu came to an end because of Jumman’s aunt who approached the panchayat for justice and nominated Algu as the head Panch. Algu and Jumman were good friends so, he was expecting the verdict to be in his favour but Algu realised his responsibility as judge. He was fair in his verdict He announced that Jumman must pay his aunt a monthly allowance or else the property goes back to her. He gave the verdict against Jumman, so the bond of friendship between them was broken but his decision was full of justice. Thus, Jumman became enemy of Algu.
Question 11. What was the turning point in the friendship of Jumman and Algu?
Jumman and Algu were fast friends. They trusted each other blindly. Jumman had got the property of his old aunt. But after some years he began to ignore and started ill treating her aunt her. She demanded a monthly allowance or the return of her land. The panchayat was called to hear the case. Algu as the head panch decided the case in favour of the old aunt.
Extract Based Questions
Extract 1
Jumman had an old aunt who had some property. This she transferred to him on the understanding that she would stay with him and he would look after her. The arrangement worked well for a couple of years. Then the situation changed. Jumman and his family were tired of the old relative. Jumman became as indifferent to her as his wife, who grudged even the little food that the old lady wanted every day. She swallowed these insults along with her food for a few months. But patience has its limits.
(i) What was the arrangement made by Jumman and Aunt?
(ii) How long did the arrangement work?
(iii) Why were Jumman and his wife indifferent to his Aunt?
(iv) What did Jumman and his wife do to the aunt?
(v) Give synonym of ‘Indifferent’.
(i) Jumman had to look after the Aunt and she would transfer her property to Jumman.
(ii) The arrangement worked for a couple of years.
(iii) Jumman and his wife were tired of her so they were indifferent to her.
(iv) Jumman and his wife insulted her and grudged even the little food she asked for.
(v) Unconcerned.
Extract 2
The panchayat was held the same evening under an old banyan tree. Jumman stood up and said, “The voice of the Panch is the voice of God. Let my aunt nominate the head Panch. I will abide by her decision.” “The Panch knows neither friend nor enemy. What do you say to Algu Chowdhry?” the old lady announced.
(i) Where was the Panchayat held?
(ii) ‘What did Jumman say about ‘Panch’?
(iii) What was famous about ‘The Panch’.
(iv) Why was Jumman hiding his joy?
(v) Find the suitable synonym for ‘Accept’ from the above tenes.
(i) The Panchayat was held under an old banyan tree
(ii) Jumman said that ‘The voice of the panch is the voice of God’.
(iii) The panch were known for the honesty in judgement as they are unbiased.
(iv) Jumman was hiding his joy when the aunt nominated Algu Chowdhary for head Panch.
(v) Abide.
Extract 3
Jumman was cross-examined by Algu and others. Then Algu announced, “We have gone into the matter carefully. In our opinion, Jumman must pay his aunt a monthly allowance, or else the property goes back to her.” Now, the two friends were seldom seen together. The bond of friendship between them was broken. In fact, Jumman was Algu’s enemy and wanted his revenge.
(i) Who cross–examined Jumman?
(ii) What was the opinion of Algu?
(iii) Why were the two friends seldom seen together?
(iv) What happened to their relationship?
(v) Use the word ‘revenge’ into an adjective.
(i) Algu cross – examined Jumman.
(ii) Algu opined that Jumman must pay his aunt a monthly allowance otherwise the property would go back to her.
(iii) The two friends were seldom seen together as the bond of friendship between them was broken.
(iv) Jumman was Algu’s enemy and wanted to take revenge.
(v) Revengeful.
Extract 4
Sahu saw his chance and proposed the name of Jumman. Algu’s heart sank and he turned pale. But what could he do? The moment Jumman became head Panch, he realised his responsibility as judge and the dignity of his office. Could he, seated in that high place, have his revenge now? He thought and thought. No, he must not allow his personal feelings to come in the way of speaking the truth and doing justice.
(i) Who proposed the name of Jumman?
(ii) What happened to Algu when Sahu nominated Jumman?
(iii) When did Jumman realize his responsibility as a judge?
(iv) What thought come to the mind of Jumman?
(v) Give the noun form of ‘just’.
(i) Sahu proposed the name of Jumman.
(ii) When Sahu nominated Jumman, Algu’s heart sank and he turned pale.
(iii) Jumman realised his responsibility as a judge when he became the head Panch.
(iv) Jumman thought that he must not allow his personal feelings to come in the way of speaking the truth and doing justice.
(v) Justice.
Extract 5
Algu could not contain his feelings. He stood up and said loudly over and over again, “Victory to the ‘ panchayat. This is justice. God lives in the voice of the Panch.” Soon after, Jumman came to Algu, embraced him and said, “Since the last panchayat, I had become your enemy. Today I realised what it meant to be a Pandi. A Panch has no friend nor enemy. He knows only justice. Let no one deviate from the path of justice and truth for friendship or enmity.”
(i) Who could not contain his feeling?
(ii) What did Algu say loudly?
(iii) What did Jumman realise ?
(iv) How was the dirt of misunderstanding between them washed away?
(v) Give the meaning of ‘deviate’.
(i) Algu could not contain his feelings.
(ii) Algu said ‘Victory to the Panchayat. Thus is justice. God lives in the voice of the panch.
(iii) Jumman realised that a punch has no friend nor enemy.
(iv) When Algu embraced his friend, he wept. His team washed away all the dirt of misunderstanding between them.
(v) Move away.