Chapter 1 Who did Patrick's Homework? Important Questions Class 6 Honeysuckle English

Short Answer Type Questions
Question 1. What made Patrick believe that he was lucky?
Patrick hated homework and loved sports. He called himself lucky when the tiny man agreed to do all his homework.
Question 2. Did Patrick like doing homework?
No, Patrick didn’t like it. According to Patrick, homework was too boring.
Question 3. What was the tiny man wearing?
The tiny man wore a woollen shirt with old fashioned britches and tall hat.
Question 4. Why did Patrick consider himself lucky?
Patrick considered himself to be lucky because he had found a solution to all his problems. The solution was easy. The little elf would solve all his problems regarding homework.
Question 5. Why were Patrick’s parents amazed?
Patrick’s parents were amazed because he got grade ‘A’ in all the subjects and his teachers were full of appreciation for him.
Question 6. What did Patrick think his cat was playing with? What was it really?
Patrick thought that his cat was playing with a doll, but in reality it was an elf (man of tinniest size).
Question 7. In what subjects did the little man need help, to do Patrick’s homework?
To do Patrick’s homework the little man needed help in English, Mathematics and Human history.
Question 8. How did Patrick get his wish granted by the elf?
Patrick saved the life of the elf from a cat. So the elf promised to fulfil one wish of his savior.
Question 9. What were the indoor and outdoor games Patrick liked to play?
He liked to play two outdoor games, hockey and basketball and one indoor game, Nintendo.
Question 10. Why did Patrick hate to do a home work? Give your views in details.
Patrick never liked to do his homework. He hated to do his homework because for him it was too boring. Instead of doing his homework, he used to play hockey basketball and Nintendo.
Question 11. What changes came in Patrick’s behaviour in the end?
In the end, Patrick became a model boy. He cleaned his room, did all his daily work, became cheerful and polite.
Question 12. Why did the little man grant Patrick a wish?
The little man granted a wish to Patrick because Patrick saved him from cat.
Question 13. How did Patrick help him?
Patrick helped him by bringing books from library, consulting a dictionary, guiding the little man in doing sums of arithmetic and read out portions from history book.
Question 14. What warning did the teachers give to Patrick?
The teachers noticed that Patrick never did his homework. So they warned him that he would remain a fool, an illiterate person.
Question 15. Did the elf-like to do what Patrick had asked?
No, but he had to do it because he had granted a wish to Patrick.
Question 16. The little elf was a nag. How did it tell upon Patrick’s health?
The little elf agreed to do Patrick’s homework. But he had a problem. He was always seeking Patrick’s help. Over work tired him and caused swelling in his eyes.
Question 17. How did Patrick get the elf to do his homework?
One day Patrick saw his cat playing with a doll when Patrick grabbed it he found out that it was not a doll but a man of tinniest size. The elf yelled at Patrick to save from the cat and he will grant him a wish. Patrick saved him from the cat and, wished that elf should do his homework for one semester that is for 35 days.
Question 18. What was the elf’s reaction when Patrick told him to do his homework for 35 days.
The little elf’s face was wrinkled. He kicked his legs, and doubled his fists. He grimaced and scowled and shouted loudly.
Question 19. What was Patrick’s wish?
Patrick wished that the elf will do all his homework till the end of semester, which was of 35 days.
Question 20. What was Patrick’s chief interest?
Patrick’s chief interest was to play hockey, football and video games.
Question 21. Why did the little man’s face wrinkle and frown?
The little man was an elf. He had not studied maths or English. So he was angry when called upon to do Patrick’s homework.
Question 22. How can you say the little elf was true to his words?
We can say that the little elf was true to his words because he started doing his work without wasting time as he had promised.
Long Answer Type Questions
Question 1. How did the little man react about Mathematics?
The little man did not like Mathematics, in fact, he never needed time table so he did not use it. The little man had no interest in addition, subtraction, division and fractions. So he got angry, and asked Patrick to sit beside him and help him in solving the sums of mathematics.
Question 2. It is said that God helps those who help themselves. Do you agree?
Yes, I agree that it’s true because God cannot come for our rescue directly. We have to help ourselves. God only shows us the right path and we have to follow it with full devotion. The tiny man or the elf showed him the way how to complete his homework. But it was Patrick who did his homework on his own and followed the instructions. This is the only way to learn in life thus, Patrick solved his problems in a way himself.
Question 3. How did Patrick get the elf to do his homework?
One day Patrick saw his cat playing with a doll when Patrick grabbed it he found out that it was not a doll but a man of tinniest size. The elf yelled at Patrick to save from the cat and he will grant him a wish. Patrick saved him from the cat and, wished that elf should do his homework for one semester that is for 35 days.
Question 4. Give the characteristic features of the elf which helped Patrick.
Patrick saved a little doll from his cat. That doll was, in fact, a very small sized man, an elf. He was timid. He felt grateful to his saviour. In return he promised to grant Patrick a wish. He could not say ‘no’ to any of Patrick’s requests. He agreed to do Patrick’s homework. But he was illiterate. He sought Patrick’s guidance at every step.
Question 5. Who do you think did Patrick’s homework- the little man, or Patrick himself? Give reasons for your answers.
Patrick himself did his homework as little man did not know anything, in English, math’s and human history. Patrick had to consult dictionary, guide him with math’s rules and helped him to read too. He stayed up at nights and worked hard. Therefore, it was Patrick who did the homework.
Question 6. Who did Patrick’s homework? Why and how?
Patrick had no interest in studies. He hated doing homework. He was lucky to get a helper. It was an elf. He had saved the elf from a cat and the elf promised to do all Patrick’s homework for 35 days. But the poor elf was blank in English and maths. He sought Patrick’s help and guidance. Patrick brought books from the library and worked hard to solve all sums. He got good marks. Actually it was Patrick himself who did all his homework.
Question 7. Children don’t like doing homework, Explain by giving examples from the chapter about the importance of doing homework.
Homework is a really important task of learning days. It is a kind of revision for the work done in the class; It helps in preparing and understanding the chapter. Patrick did all his homework while he was helping the elf. He studied human history, practiced math and English too.
During this entire period he had developed a liking towards study. Now he was not feeling that homework is too boring. All the concepts and topics were now clear to him, had developed a whole new attitude. He got A grades. All this happened because of homework he did. So it is very important for all the students to do their homework.
Question 8. How did Patrick get supernatural help? Was the elf intelligent enough to answer questions in all the subjects?
One day Patrick found his cat playing with a doll. He rescued the tiny doll, who in fact was an elf. He promised to grant his saviour one wish. Patrick told him to do all his homework for 35 days. The elf had to keep his word. But he was quite ignorant of language and maths and even other subjects. He called out to Patrick to come and guide him.
Extract Based Questions
Extract 1
Then one day he found his cat playing with a little doll and he grabbed it away. To his surprise it wasn’t a doll at all, but a man of the tiniest size. He had a little wool shirt with old fashioned britches and a high tall hat much like a witch’s. He yelled, “Save me! Don’t give me back to that cat. I’ll grant you a wish, I promise you that.”
(i) By whom the elf was grabbed?
(ii) Elf promised Patrick to ____ if he saves his life.
(iii) Who yelled ‘Save me’?
(iv) The hat worn by elf was ____
(v) Synonym of short trouser is ____
(i) Cat
(ii) Grant a wish
(iii) Elf
(iv) High
(v) Britches
Extract 2
“I don’t know this word,” the elf squeaked while reading Patrick’s homework. “Get me a dictionary. No, what’s even better, look up the word and sound it out by each letter.” When it came to maths, Patrick was out of luck. “What are times tables?” the elf shrieked. “We elves never need that. And addition and subtraction and division and fractions? Here, sit down beside me, you simply must guide me.” Elves know nothing of human history, to them it’s a mystery. So the little elf, already a shouter, just got louder. “Go to the library, I need books. More and more books. And you can help me read them too.”
(i) The elf took help of Patrick in reading ____
(ii) Elves never practise ____
(iii) Patrick guided him ____ Mathematics
(iv) History was _____ for elves.
(i) words in the dictionary.
(ii) maths
(iii) in
(iv) mystery
Extract 3
Finally, the last day of school arrived and the elf was free to go. As for homework, there was no more, so he quietly and slyly slipped out the back door. Patrick got his A’s; his classmates were amazed; his teachers smiled and were full of praise. And his parents? They wondered what had happened to Patrick. He was now the model kid. Cleaned his room, did his chores, was cheerful, never rude, like he had developed a whole new attitude.
(i) The elf was free to go because _____
(ii) The word similar to the meaning ‘sly’ is ____
(iii) Patrick was the model kid as _____
(iv) Antonym of cheerful is ____
(i) it was the last day of the school
(ii) secretively or cunningly
(iii) he had developed a new attitude
(iv) Sad