Chapter 2 A Gift of Chappals Important Questions Class 7 Honeycomb English

Short Answer Type Questions
Question 1. Where does Mridu live?
Mridu lives in Madras.
Question 2. Why did tapi take Mridu to her aunts house?
Tapi took Mridu to her aunts house to meet her cousins.
Question 3. Where did her grandmother take her?
Tapi takes her to her aunt Rukku Manni’s house to meet her cousins Lalli, Ravi, and Meena.
Question 4. What was the little kitty’s name?
The little kitty’s name was Mahendravarma Pallava Poonai.
Question 5. What was Ravi’s opinion about the hypocrisy of the people about being kind to animals?
Ravi says to Meena that people always tell others to be kind to animals; however, when people do that, they ask to leave the animal outside because it is dirty and unhygienic.
Question 6. What was Karna famous for?
Karna from Mahabharat used to give away everything he had which even included his gold earnings.
Question 7. Why was beggar wait outside Ravi’s garden?
The beggar was leaning against the trunk of the neem tree in Ravi’s garden for alms from ladies of the house.
Question 8. What was the source of information about legacy of cat?
Ravi felt that his cat was a descendant of the Rishi cat of Mahabalipuram. He claimed that during his class trip to Mahabalipuram, he had seen statue of a cat there which he believed was an ancestor of this cat. He felt that the lion in the emblem of the Pallava king was a close relative of his cat.
Question 9. How did the music teacher react to the act of Ravi?
The music teacher compared Ravi with the lord Hanuman and called him a Hanuman incarnate.
Question 10. Where was the ‘Kreech’ sound coming from?
The weird ‘Kreech’ Sound was coming from the window. It was Lalli learning to play a Violin. She was not doing good, but the music master was trying his best to train her.
Question 11. What the music master searching for and why?
The music master was searching for his chappals that was the left in the verandah. He scurried around and looked over the railing and everywhere but did not find them.
Question 12. What connection did Ravi make with the lion and the Pallava emblem?
Ravi informed that he could make it from its fur that it was a find breed cat, a close relative of the lion family like the one that Pallava kings used in their emblem.
Question 13. How was Lalli awkward in music playing?
Lalli always goes off track. She sits a little distance away, awkwardly holding her violin and bowstring, her elbows jutting out and her eyes glazed with concentration.
Question 14. According to Ravi how was the music of the music master?
Ravi said the music master’s notes seemed to float up and settle perfectly into the invisible tracks of the melody. It was like the wheels of a trained fitting smoothly into the rails and whizzing along.
Question 15. Why did the beggar want to rest a while before leaving? How were his feet?
The beggar told the children that he would leave after taking a little rest as it was too hot outside and he had blisters in his feet. The beggar had pink, peeling blisters on the soles of his bare feet as he was walking unshod.
Long Answer Type Questions
Question 1. How did the music master and Lalli search the chappal? What did the music master say highly about his chappal?
Lalli and her music-master searched every corner of the verandah for the chappal. The music master scurried around, looking over the railing and crouching near the flower pots. The music master said that his chappals were Brand new which cost a whole month’s fees. He also said that he went all the way to Mount Road just to buy them.
Question 2. Write the character sketch of the music master
The music master was a bony figure and had a bold head with a fringe of oiled black hair failing around his cars. He wore a gold chain around his neck and had a diamond ring on his finger. The music master was sitting infront of Lalli and training her to play a violin. He wore a golden boarded dhoti and beating time on the floor with his toe.
Question 3. What was Ravi’s argument for his charity of chappals to the beggar? ‘
Ravi was upset with the elders because he had always been told by them to be kind towards animals, but he had to hid milk for kitten. Rukku Manni had told about Karan who would give away everything he had to help others. Ravi had tried to help the beggar by giving away the music teacher’s chappals to him, but still Rukku Manni scolded him.
Question 4. Why was Rukkau Manni angry with the children?
Rukka Manni was very angry with the children as she had learnt about the chappals given to the old beggar that belonged to Lillis music teacher. She was very much embarrassed infront of the music master and decided to provide him Gopu Mama’s new and hardly worn a pair of chappal’s. Rukku Mani wanted him to leave the house at once and after learning she wandered what was she going to tell Gopu mama that wening about his new slippers.
Question 5. How did Mridu react to seeing the blisters on the sole of the beggar?
Mridu was in pain after seeing the blisters on the sole of his bare feet as he was walking unshod in the hot land. Mridu concluded that he might have no money to buy a shoe. She asked her cousin Ravi and Meena if they had any extra pair of shoes and suggested to help him by giving him a pair of shoe.
Question 6. “Amma! Amma-oh!” Tell us how did the author reflects the sentence.
The beggar when he came to know that he had to go empty-handed, got disappointed and raised his voice saying “Amma! Amma-oh!”. Being empty stomach it wasn’t much feeble. It began in a deep, strong rumble somewhere in his withered belly, and came booming out of his mouth, with its few remaining teeth.
It was so heart touching. He had no shoes, got blisters in his feet. He was empty stomach striving for food. It was not fair to return the man empty-handed.
Question 7. Ravi was confident and opinionated. Do you agree or not?
Ravi was an intelligent child. He had good observation skills and possessed sound knowledge of history. He was playful, but had a good sense of humour. He managed to get milk for the kitten in front of Paati’s eyes. He also applied his intelligence and gave music teacher’s chappals to the beggar. He was kind and generous and remembered the story of Karan which Rukku Manni had told him.
Question 8. What was Ravi’s argument for his charity of chappals to the beggar? ‘
Ravi was upset with the elders because he had always been told by them to be kind towards animals, but he had to hide milk for kitten. Rukku Manni had told about Karan who would give away everything he had to help others. Ravi had tried to help the beggar by giving away the music teacher’s chappals to him, but still Rukku Manni scolded him.
Question 9. The children move by seeing the pathetic state of the needy. What trait do they have should they be appreciated or scolded?
The love of animals especially for young and dependent ones is evident in the story as well. But they passion to look after them is often looked down upon by elders. Rather than allowing them to follow their heart, they are instructed to be at safe distance from them. In juxta position of what is preached and practiced, confuses the young and sensitive minds.
Extract Based Questions
Extract 1.
Mridu didn’t have much time to wonder about whose slippers they were, because Ravi dragged her to the backyard, behind a thick bitter-berry bush. There, inside a torn football lined with sacking and filled with sand, lay a very small kitten, lapping up milk from a coconut half-shell. “We found him outside the gate this morning.. He was mfewing and mewing, poor thing,” said Meena. “It’s a secret. Amma says Paati will leave for our Paddu Mama’s house if she lmows we have a cat.”
(i) Where was Mridu taken to?
(ii) What was there inside a tom football?
(iii) How was it drinking milk?
(iv) Where did they find the kitten?
(v) Find the word which means ‘wrapping’.
(i) Mridu was taken to the backyard.
(ii) There was a very small kitten inside a torn football.
(iii) It was drinking milk from a coconut half shell.
(iv) They find the kitten outside the gate.
(v) Lapping.
Extract 2.
Mahendran looked up, alarmed. He had just been sharpening his claws on the edge of the coconut shell. But worse than Ravi’s awful whoop EEK was a ‘Kreech…!’ from the window. What a weird sound! If Mridu was startled, M.P. Poonai was frightened out of his wits. Hair standing on end, he bounced up and scurried towards a bamboo tray of red chillies that had been set out to dry. Trying to hide beneath it, he tipped a few chillies over himself. “Mi-a-aw!” he howled miserably.
(i) Why was Mahendran alarmed?
(ii) What was the kitten doing with the coconut shell?
(iii) Where did he hide himself?
(iv) Why did he try to hide himself?
(v) Find out a word antonym of ‘bold’ from the passage.
(i) Mahendran was alarmed when it heard screeching sound.
(ii) The kitten was sharpening his claws on the edge of coconut shell.
(iii) He hid himself beneath a bamboo tray.
(iv) When he heard the screeching sound of violin played by Lalli.
(v) Timid.
Extract 3.
Mridu crept up to the window. Lalli was sitting a little distance away, awkwardly holding her violin and bowstring, her elbows jutting out and her eyes glazed with concentration. In front of her, with most of his back to the window, was the bony figure of the music master. He had a mostly bald head with a fringe of oiled black hair falling around his ears and an old-fashioned tuft. A gold chain gleamed around his leathery neck, and a diamond ring glittered on his hand as it glided up and down the stem of the violin. A large foot stuck out from beneath his gold-bordered veshti edge, and he was beating time on the floor with the scrawny big toe.
(i) Where did Mridu creeping upto?
(ii) What was Lalli holding?
(iii) Who was sitting in front of her?
(iv) What was the teacher wearing?
(v) Give the meaning of‘scrawny’.
(i) Mridu crept upto the window.
(ii) Lalli was holding her violin and a bowstring.
(iii) The music teacher was sitting in front of her.
(iv) The teacher was wearing a gold bordered edged dhoti and a gold chain with a diamond ring.
(v) An unattractive thin and bony person or an animal.
Extract 4.
Mridu and Meena followed Ravi. out. The beggar was already in the garden, making himself quite at home. He had spread his upper cloth under the neem tree, and was leaning against its trunk, apparently prepared to take a little snooze while he waited for the alms to appear. “Go away!” said Ravi sternly. “My Paati says it’s time you found another house to beg from!” The beggar opened his eyes very wide and gazed at each of the children one by one. “The ladies of this house,” he said, at last, in a voice choked with feeling, “are very kind souls”.
(i) Who was there in the garden?
(ii) What preparation were made by the beggar?
(iii) What did Ravi tell him?
(iv) Why did the beggar open his eyes wide?
(v) Change the word ‘apparent’ to an adverb.
(i) There was a beggar in the garden.
(ii) The beggar spread the cloth and leaned against the tree.
(iii) Ravi told him to go away and to find another home.
(iv) The beggar opened his eyes wide as he was expecting alms from them.
(v) Apparently.