MCQ Questions for Class 12 History: Ch 8 Peasants, Zamindars And The State

MCQ Questions for Class 12 History: Ch 8 Peasants, Zamindars And The State

1. The basic unit of agricultural society during the Mughal period was the
(a) Village.
(b) Block.
(c) Suba.
(d) Pargana.
► (a) Village.

2. The term which Indo-Persian sources of the Mughal period frequently used to denote a peasant was
(a) do-fasla.
(b) khud-kashta.
(c) pahi-kashta.
(d) raiyat.
► (d) raiyat.

3. Most regions, under the Mughals, produced a minimum of
(a) one crop.
(b) two crops.
(c) three crops.
(d) four crops.
► (b) two crops.

4. In Bihar, the low caste group which was comapared to slaves was
(a) Muqaddam.
(b) Patwaris.
(c) Halalkhorans.
(d) Mallahzadas.
► (d) Mallahzadas.

5. Vegetables like tomatoes, potatoes and chillies reached India from the
(a) Continental World.
(b) Middle World.
(c) New World.
(d) Old World.
► (c) New World.

6. In the third battle of Panipat, the Marathas were defeated by
(a) Ahmad Shah Abdali.
(b) Nadir Shah.
(c) Sher Shah.
(d) Bahadur Shah II.
► (a) Ahmad Shah Abdali.

7. Akbar’s “auspicious sayings” were included in
(a) First book of Ain.
(b) Second book of Ain.
(c) Third book of Ain.
(d) Fifth book of Ain.
► (d) Fifth book of Ain.

8. The third book of the Ain-i Akbari, mulk-abadi, deals with the
(a) administration of the empire.
(b) civil administration of the empire.
(c) cultural traditions of the empire.
(d) fiscal side of the empire.
► (d) fiscal side of the empire.

9. In 18th century, women zamindars were known in
(a) Bengal.
(b) Rajasthan.
(c) Punjab.
(d) Gujarat.
► (a) Bengal.

10. Who was the author of Ain-I Akbari?
(a) Al-Biruni
(b) Abul Fazl
(c) Rahim
(d) Fakir Aziao-Din
► (b) Abul Fazl

11. Which of the following is correct meaning of Jins-i-Kamil?
(a) Perfect corps
(b) Perfect crops
(c) Perfect Sepoy
(d) Perfect administrator
► (b) Perfect crops

12. The Zamindars had huge lands called _____.
(a) Milkiyat
(b) Zamin
(c) Grih
(d) Bhumi
► (a) Milkiyat

13. What does the third part of Ain, ‘Mulk-Abadi’ deal with?
(a) Social Sicde of the empire
(b) Fiscal side of the empire
(c) Administrative side of the empire
(d) None of the above
► (b) Fiscal side of the empire

14. _____ was the amount assessed.
(a) Milkiyat
(b) Jama
(c) Hasil
(d) Grih
► (b) Jama
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