MCQ Questions for Class 12 Biology: Ch 8 Human Health and Diseases

MCQ Questions for Class 12 Biology: Ch 8 Human Health and Diseases

1. Select the correct statement from the ones given below:
(a) Barbiturates when given to criminals make them tell the truth
(b) Morphine is often given to persons who have undergone surgery as a pain killer
(c) Chewing tobacco lowers blood pressure and heart rate
(d) Cocaine is given to patients after surgery as it stimulates recovery
► (b) Morphine is often given to persons who have undergone surgery as a pain killer

2. The first antibiotic was discovered by___
(a) Louis Pasteur
(b) Koch
(c) R. Fleminng
(d) A. Fleming
► (d) A. Fleming

3. If you suspect major deficiency of antibodies in a person, to which of the following would you look for confirmatory evidences?
(a) Serum albumins
(b) Haemocytes
(c) Serum globulins
(d) Fibrinogin in plasma
► (c) Serum globulins

4. Which of the following is most infectious disease?
(a) Hepatitis B
(b) AIDS
(c) Amoebiosis
(d) Malaria
► (a) Hepatitis B

5. Alzheimer disease in humans is associated with the deficiency of______.
(a) Glutamic acid
(b) Dopamine
(c) Acetylcholine
(d) Gamma amnobutyric acid (GABA)
► (c) Acetylcholine

6. Which one of the following statements is correct with respect to AIDS?
(a) The HIV can be transmitted through eating food together with an infected person
(b) Drug addicts are least susceptible to HIV infection .
(c) AIDS patients are being fully cured cent per cent with proper care and nutrition
(d) The causative HIV retrovirus enters helper T - lymphocytes thus reducing their numbers
► (d) The causative HIV retrovirus enters helper T - lymphocytes thus reducing their numbers

7. Where will you look for the sporozoites of the malarial parasite?
(a) Saliva of infected female Anopheles mosquito
(b) Red blood corpuscles of humans suffering from malaria
(c) Spleen of infected humans
(d) Salivary glands of freshly moulted female Anopheles mosquito
► (a) Saliva of infected female Anopheles mosquito

8. From what Lysergic acid is formed?
(a) Heroine
(b) Ergot fungi
(c) THC
(d) Cannabinoids plants
► (b) Ergot fungi

9. What is true about T- lymphocytes in mammals?
(a) These are produced in thyroid
(b) These originate in lymphoid tissues
(c) There are three main types — cytotoxic T-cells, helper T-cells and suppressor T-cells
(d) They scavenge damaged cells and cellular debris
► (c) There are three main types — cytotoxic T-cells, helper T-cells and suppressor T-cells

10. Typhoid fever is caused by
(a) Salmonella
(b) Shigella
(c) Escherichia
(d) Giardia
► (a) Salmonella

11. Which one of the following statements is correct?
(a) Benign tumours show the property of metastasis.
(b) Heroin accelerates body functions.
(c) Malignant tumours ours may exhibit metastasis.
(d) Patients who have undergone surgery are given cannabinoids to relieve pain.
► (c) Malignant tumours ours may exhibit metastasis.

12. Pathogenic bacterium that cause typhoid fever in human being is
(a) Salmonella typhi
(b) Streptococcus pneumonia
(c) Streptococcus typhi
(d) Salmonella feverish
► (a) Salmonella typhi

13. During blood typing agglutination indicates that the
(a) RBC carry certain antigens
(b) Plasma contains certain antigens
(c) RBC carry certain antibodies
(d) Plasma contains certain antibodies
► (a) RBC carry certain antigens

14. Widal test is used for the diagnosis of
(a) Malaria
(b) Pneumonia
(c) Tuberculosis
(d) Typhoid
► (d) Typhoid

15. AIDS day is________.
(a) May 1
(b) December 1
(c) June 1
(d) December 20
► (b) December 1

16. Cyclosporine is a drug that is used as:
(a) Anti retro-viral drug
(b) Immuno-modulator
(c) Immunosuppressant
(d) Immuno vaccine
► (c) Immunosuppressant

17. Which one of the following immunoglobulins does constitute the largest percentage in human milk?
(a) lgM
(b) lgA
(c) lgG
(d) lgD
► (b) lgA

18. Carcinoma refers to
(a) benign tumours of the connective tissue
(b) malignant tumours of  the connective tissue
(c) malignant tumours of the skin or mucous membrane
(d) malignant tumours of the colon
► (c) lmalignant tumours of the skin or mucous membrane

19. The cell in the human body invaded by the human immuno-deficiency virus (HIV) is
(a) T-helper cell
(b) Erythrocyte
(c) B-cell
(d) Macrophage
► (a) T-helper cell

20. Antivenom injection contains preformed antibodies while polio drops that are administered into the body contain:
(a) Activated pathogens
(b) Harvested antibodies
(c) Gamma globulin
(d) Attenuated pathogens
► (d) Attenuated pathogens

21. Antigen binding site in an antibody is found between
(a) One heavy and one light chain
(b) Two heavy chains
(c) Two light chains
(d) Either between two light chains or between one heavy and one light chain depending upon the nature of antigen
► (a) One heavy and one light chain

22. Select the correct statement from the ones given below?
(a) Barbiturates when given to criminals make them tell the truth
(b) Morphine is often given to persons who have undergone surgery as a pain killer
(c) Chewing tobacco lowers blood pressure and heart rate
(d) Cocaine is given to patients after surgery as it stimulates recovery
► (b) Morphine is often given to persons who have undergone surgery as a pain killer

23. At which stage of HIV infection does one usually show symptoms of AIDS?
(a) When the infecting retrovirus enters host cells
(b) When viral dNA is produced by reverse trancriptase
(c) When HIV replicates rapidly in helper T-lymphocytes and damages large number of these
(d) Within 15 day of sexual contact with an infected person.
► (c) When HIV replicates rapidly in helper T-lymphocytes and damages large number of these

24. Which of the following viruses is not transferred through semen of an infected male?                      (a) Human immunodeficiency virus
(b) Chikungunya virus
(c) Ebola virus
(d) Hepatitis B virus
► (b) Chikungunya virus

25. Where memory cells are formed?
(a) Monocytes
(b) Neutrophils
(c) Eosinophil
(d) Lymphocytes
► (d) Lymphocytes

26. Which one of the following is a stimulant?
(a) LSD
(b) Opium
(c) Heroin
(d) Cocaine
► (d) Cocaine

27. Cancerous cells can easily be destroyed by radiations due to
(a) rapid cell division
(b) lack of nutrition
(c) fast mutation
(d) lack of oxygen
► (a) rapid cell division

28. Salmonella is related with
(a) Typhoid
(b) Polio
(c) T.B.
(d) Tetanus
► (a) Typhoid

29. Cirrhosis of liver is caused by the chronic intake of
(a) Alcohol
(b) Opium
(c) Cocaine
(d) Tobacco
► (a) Alcohol

30. Which one of the following is categorised as a parasite in true sense ?
(a) The female Anopheles bites and sucks blood from humans
(b) Human foetus developing inside the uterus draws nourishment from the mother
(c) Head louse living on the human scalp as well as laying eggs on human hair
(d) The cuckoo (koel) lays its eggs in crow’s nest.
► (c) Head louse living on the human scalp as well as laying eggs on human hair

31. Which one of the following depresses brain activity and produced feelings of calmness, relaxation and drowsiness?
(a) Morphine
(b) Valium
(c) Amphetamines
(d) Hashish
► (b) Valium

32. Grafted kidney may be rejected in a patient due to:
(a) Cell-midiated immune response
(b) Passive immune response
(c) Innate immune response
(d) Humoral immune response
► (a) Cell-midiated immune response

33. Antibodies in our body are complex
(a) Steroids
(b) Prostaglandins
(c) Glycoproteins
(d) Lipoproteins
► (c) Glycoproteins

34. AIDS is caused by HIV that principally infects:
(a) all lymphocytes
(b) activator B cells
(c) cytotoxic T cells
(d) T4 lymphocytes
► (d) T4 lymphocytes

35. AIDS is caused by Human immuno deficiency virus (HIV) which is a member of group of virus called?
(a) Mono virus
(b) Retro virus
(c) Miso virus
(d) Micro virus
► (b) Retro virus

36. Reason of lung cancer
(a) Asbestos
(b) Calcium fluoride
(c) Cement factory
(d) Bauxite mining
► (a) Asbestos
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