Know-How Marks of CBSE 10th and 12th will be Calculated for Final Result
Result Date of CBSE Board Class 10th, 12th Board Exam 2020

Even CBSE decided not to conduct the board exams of classes 10 and 12, which was scheduled to be held from July 1. As per the report, in an earlier interview by the Minister of Human Resource Development, CBSE Class 10, 12 results will be declared by July 15 under a special scheme.
If a student is not satisfied with the marks awarded under the special scheme, they can appear for the subsequent examination, whose dates have not yet been announced. Further, after these examinations, no correction paper will be held as the facility is available only to Class 12 students.
But the question is, how will the marks be calculated, what is the special scheme?
The exam was not conducted for some 40-odd subjects. For 10th and 12th grade students who have completed all their exams, the result will be declared on the basis of their performance. The evaluation process for these exams began during the lockdown, as teachers were given answer scripts at their home to evaluate.
In the case of students who have appeared for more than three subjects, the average marks obtained in the best three performing subjects' will be awarded for those subjects for which the examination was not conducted according to the board.
For those students who have appeared for the examination in only three subjects, the marks obtained in the 'Best Two Performing Subjects' will be awarded for those for which the examination was not conducted.
According to official notification of CBSE, "There are very few students of class 12, mainly from Delhi, who have appeared in the examination in only 1 or 2 subjects." Outcomes for these students will be calculated based on performance in printed subjects and performance in internal or practical or project-based assessment. These students will be allowed to appear in the optional examination conducted by CBSE to improve their performance, however, this is an option.