Latest CBSE Class 10 Computer Applications Syllabus 2019-20

CBSE has released Class 10 Computer Applications Syllabus 2019-20. The annual board examination will be of 30 marks, with a duration of three hours. There will be practical of 70 marks.

CBSE Class 10 Computer Applications Syllabus 2019-20

Unit No. Unit Name Marks
1 Networking 5
2 HTML 12
3 Cyber Ethics 5
4 Scratch/Python Theory 8
5 Practicals 70
- Total 100

Unit 1: Networking

• Internet
• Services available on the internet
• Web services
• Mobile technologies

Unit 2: HTML

• Introduction to web page designing using HTML
• HTML tags
• Font tags
• Insert images
• HTML Forms
• Embed audio and video in a HTML page
• Create a table using the tags
• Links
• Cascading style sheets

Unit 3: Cyber Ethics

• Netiquettes.
• Software licenses and the open source software movement.
• Intellectual property rights, plagiarism and digital property rights.
• Freedom of information and the digital divide.
• E-commerce: Privacy, fraud, secure data transmission.

Unit 4: Scratch or Python (Theory and Practical)

Alternative 1: Scratch
• Revision of the basics of Scratch
• Sprite, tempo, variables, and events
• Coordinates and conditionals
• Drawing with iteration
• Update variables repeatedly, iterative development, ask and answer blocks
• Create games, animated images, stories and songs

Alternative 2: Python (only for children with special needs)
• Revision of Python basics
• Conditionals: if, if-else statements
• Loops: for, while (e.g., sum of first 10 natural numbers)
• Practice simple programs

5.  Lab Exercises

• Create static web pages.
• Use style sheets to enforce a format in an HTML page (CSS).
• Embed pictures, audio and videos in an HTML page.
• Add tables and frames in an HTML page.
• Decorate web pages using graphical elements.
• Create a website using several webpages. Students may use any open source or proprietary tool.
• Work with HTML forms: text box, radio buttons, checkbox, password, list, combo box.
• Write a blog using HTML pages discussing viruses, malware, spam and antiviruses
• Create a web page discussing plagiarism. List some reported cases of plagiarism and the consequent punishment meted out. Explain the nature of the punishment in different countries as per their IP laws.
• Create simple stories with Scratch (involving at least two objects/characters) and iteration OR write programs for finding the sum/product of first n natural numbers using Python.

Download Class 10 Computer Applications Syllabus 2019-20

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