Extra Questions for Class 10th: Ch 6 Life Process (Science) Important Questions Answer Included

Very Short Answer Questions (VSAQs): 1 Mark

Q1What are different types of tooth?
Different types of teeth in human are incisors, canines, premolars, and molars.

Q2. Name the enzyme produced by the cells of our stomach in small amount in order to digest butter fat in our food.
The enzymes called lipase is responsible for digesting butter fat.

Q3Where does aerobic respiration occur in a cell? 
Aerobic respiration occur in mitochondria of the cell.

Q4Where is hemoglobin present?
It is present in Red Blood cells.

Q5. What is principle of Exchange of Gas?
Diffusion is principle of the exchange of Gases. 

Short Answer Questions-I (SAQs-I): 2 Marks

Q1. Why is it necessary to separate oxygenated and deoxygentated blood by mammals and birds? 


Mammals and birds are warm-blooded animals. They constantly use energy to maintain their body temperature. They have higher energy needs and so they require more oxygen to produce energy. Thus, it is important that their oxygenated blood does not get mixed up with deoxygenated blood.

Q2. Leaves of a healthy potted plant were coated with vaseline. Will this plant remain healthy for long ? Give reasons for your answer?


This plant will not remain healthy for a long lime because 
(a) It will not get oxygen for respiration.
 (b) It will not get carbon dioxide for photosynthesis.

Q3. The body temperature of some organisms depends on the temperature in the environment. Comment. 


The body temperature of cold-blooded animals depends on the temperature of the environment. Such animals have three chambered heart and can tolerate some mixing of oxygenated and deoxygenated blood e.g., amphibians or many reptiles. 

Q4. During one cycle how many times does blood goes to heart of fish and Why?


Blood goes to heart of fish only one time during one cycle. This happens becaue fish ha sa two chambered heart, the blood is pumped to the gills for oxygenation from where it is passed directly to the rest of the body.

Short Answer Questions-II (SAQs-II): 3 Marks

Q1. In human alimentary canal, name the site of complete digestion of various components of food. Explain the process of digestion. 


Small intestine.
Secretions of liver and pancreas mix with food. Pancreatic enzymes make it alkaline. Bile juice from liver too helps in it. Bile salts break the fat present in the form of large globules into smaller ones, increasing the efficiency of enzyme action. Enzymes like trypsin digests proteins and lipase and breaks down fats. Intestinal juice convert proteins to amino acids, complex carbohydrate to glucose and fats into fatty adds and glycerol.

Q12. (a) List two functions performed by dilute hydrochloric acid in our stomach. (b) Name the raw materials required for photosynthesis.


(a) (i) Dilute HCl makes the medium acidic. 
(ii) It activates the enzyme pepsin. 
(b)Carbon di oxide gas and water. 

Q3.  List the three kinds of blood vessels of human circulatory system and write their functions.


(i)Arteries: They carry blood away from the heart to various organs of the body.
(ii)  Veins: They collect the blood from different organs and bring it back to the heart.
(iii) Capillaries: Exchanges of material between the blood and surrounding cells takes place across the thin walls of capillaries.

Q14. Do the freshwater animals reabsorb water through their excretory system like marine animals? Justify your answer.


The freshwater animals do not reabsorb water through their excretory system because in case of fresh water animals, large amount of water is taken up through their skin and mouth. The water content of the body is maintained by getting rid of excess water through excretory system. Marine animals need to conserve water that's why water is reabsorbed by excretory system in marine animals.

Long Answer Questions (LAQ's): 5 marks

Q1. (a) Draw a well labelled diagram of human alimentary canal, and label the following parts : (i) Liver (ii) Pancreas (iii) Small intestine (iv) Large intestine (v) Gall Bladder
(b)What is peristaltic movement?

(b). Peristaltic movement : The lining of alimentary canal has muscles that contract rhythmically in order to push the food forward. These are peristaltic movements.

Q2. How are fats digested in our bodies? Where does this process take place?. Explain


Digestion of fats takes place in the small intestine. The fats are digested by the digestive enzymes. The fats are present in the form of large globules in the small intestine. Bile juice secreted by the liver is poured in the intestine along with pancreatic juice. The bile salts present in the bile juice emulsify the large globules of fats. 

So, by emulsification large globules breakdown into fine globules to provide larger surface area to act upon by the enzymes. Lipase enzyme present in the pancreatic juice causes breakdown of emulsified fats. Glands present in the wall of small intestine secretes intestinal juice which contains lipase enzyme that converts fats into fatty adds and glycerol.

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