Extra Questions for Class 9th: Ch 4 Climate Social Studies (S.St) Important Questions Answer Included

Very Short Answer Questions (VSAQs): 

1. Kal Baisakhi is associated with which state?



2. Which is the coldest place in India?



3. The peninsular part of India experiences peak summers earlier than northern India because.


Due to northward movement of the sun, the global heat belt shifts northward.

4. Why Bengal, Orissa and Andhra Pradesh coasts are frequented by cyclones?


Low pressure conditions in northwest India lead to the creation of depression over Andaman sea.

5. Which place in India records the highest rainfall in the world?



6. Which part of India experiences the highest range of temperature in a day?


Thar Desert in Rajasthan.

Short Answer Questions (SAQs):

1. Where is Mawsynram located? Why does Mawsynram receive the highest amount of rainfall? 


Mawsynram is located in the southern ranges of the Khasi Hills at a height of 1,500 m above the sea level. 
This place receives the highest amount of rainfall because it is enclosed by hills on three sides. The relief features give this place a tunnel-shaped location. The Bay of Bengal monsoon is trapped in these hills. The winds try to get out of it, but are forced to pour down there.

2. What influence has the Himalayas on India’s climate?


• Himalayas act as natural barriers to the extremely cold winds from Central Asia and enables North India to have more or less uniform and comfortable temperatures.
• They act as a barrier to the south west monsoon in summer  and precipitates heavy rain on the country.
• Most of the Indian rivers are fed by glaciers located in the Himalayas.

3. Differentiate between climate and weather. 


• Climate: It refers to the sum total of the weather conditions and variations over a large area for a long period of time.
• Weather: It refers to the state of atmosphere over an area at any point of time. The elements of weather and climate are the same.

4. What are ‘Jet Streams’? How is Jet Stream related with Western Cyclonic Disturbances?


Jet Streams are a narrow belt of high altitude westerly winds in the troposphere. Their speed varies from about 110 km/h in summer to about 184 km/h in winter. Little amount of winter rains over the plains and snowfall in the mountains are an impact of western cyclonic disturbances from the Mediterranean Sea. 

5. Why does India have a monsoon type of climate?


• Climate of India is strongly governed by the monsoon winds. Monsoon winds are confined to tropical lands between 20° North and 20° South.
• In the India subcontinent, the Himalaya's guide the flow of the monsoon winds bunging the whole of subcontinent under the influence of this winds.
• These winds account for 75% to 90% of annual rainfall from tune to September. 

6. What are the factors affecting the climate of India? 


Factors affecting the climate of India: 

• Latitude: The temperature decreases from the Equator towards the poles. Places located on lower latitudes are hotter than the places located on higher latitudes. Solar energy is present at a higher rate more in lower latitudes. 
• Altitude: At higher altitudes, the atmosphere becomes less dense and temperature decreases. Hills are cooler during summers, e.g., climate of Shimla climate is cooler than that of Delhi. 
• Distance from the sea: Sea has a moderating influence on the climate. As the distance from the ocean or sea increases, its moderating influence decreases and extreme weather conditions are experienced, i.e., very hot in summer and very cold in winter.

7. How does the latitude affect India's climate?


• The Tropic of Cancer passes almost from the middle of the country.
• Almost half of the country, lying south of the Tropic of Cancer, belongs to the tropical area.
• All the remaining area in the north of the Tropic lies in the sub-tropical area. Thus, India's climate has characteristics of tropical as well as sub-tropical type of climate.

8. Describe the western cyclonic disturbance and its impact on climate.


• Western cyclonic disturbances are a weather phenomena of the winters.
• They are brought in by the westerly flow from the Mediterranean region.
• They usually influence the weather of the North and North-western regions of India.

Long Answer Questions (LAQs):

1. Explain how the pressure and wind conditions over India are unique.


• During winter, a high pressure area develops north of the Himalayas.
• Cold dry winds blow from this region to the low pressure areas over the oceans to the south.
• In summer, a low pressure area develops over interior Asia as well as over northwestern India.
• This causes a complete reversal of the direction of winds during summer.
• Air moves from the high pressure area over the southern Indian ocean in a south-westerly direction, crosses the equator and turns right towards the low pressure area over the Indian sub-continent.
• These winds are known as south-west monsoon winds.
• These winds blow over the warm oceans, gather moisture and bring widespread rainfall over the mainland of India.

2. Explain why the distribution of rainfall in India is uneven?
“Rainfall is unevenly distributed in India.” Justify in five points.


• Monsoon rains are limited only to few months of a year.
• The topography of India leads to more rainfall in some regions while less in others.
• Cyclones help rain scattering at places, while other places remain without rain.
• Whole of India does not receive rain by monsoon winds. Eastern Coast of India gets rain only from North-east monsoons during the month of December-January.

3. What are the six major controls of the climate of the world?


• Latitude: Due to the round shape of the Earth, the amount of solar energy received varies according to latitude. As a result, air temperature decreases from the equator towards the poles.
• Altitude: As one moves up to the higher altitudes, the atmosphere becomes less dense and temperature decreases.
• Pressure and winds: Pressure and wind system of an area depend on the latitude and altitude of the place.
• Distance from the sea: If the region is close to the sea, it makes the temperature moderate but if it is away from the sea, it experiences extreme weather conditions.
• Ocean currents: Ocean currents along with the onshore winds affect the climate of a coastal area. Any coastal area with warm or cold currents flowing past it, will become warm or cold if the winds are onshore.
• Relief: High mountains act as barriers for cold and hot winds. They may also cause precipitation if they lie in the path of rain-bearing winds. The leeward side of mountains remains dry.

NCERT Solutions of Chapter 4 Climate

Notes of Chapter 4 Climate

MCQ Test of Chapter 4 Climate

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