Latest CBSE Syllabus for Class 12 of Political Science 2017-18

Here, latest syllabus of CBSE Syllabus for Class 12 Political Science (Code No. 028) for the session 2017-18. The new session has started and board updated the new syllabus. There is no change made in the syllabus and exam pattern.

The question paper will be of 100 marks. The Question paper will consist of 27 questions.

There is internal choice for long answer questions. Map question has choice only with another map. There are three passage-based or picture-based questions.

In order to assess different mental abilities of learners, question paper is likely to include questions
based on passages, visuals such as maps, cartoons, etc. No factual question will be asked on the
information given in the plus(+) boxes in the textbooks.

S. No. 
Unit Name
Part A Contemporary World Politics  50
Part B Politics in India since Independence 50


Part A: Contemporary World Politics 

• Cold War Era
• The End of bipolarity
• US Hegemony in World Politics
• Alternative centres of Power
• Contemporary South Asia
• International Organizations
• Security in Contemporary World
• Environment and Natural Resources
• Globalisation

Part B: Political Theory

• Challenges of Nation-Building
• Era of One-party Dominance
• Politics of Planned Development
• India's External relations
 Challenges to the Congress System
• Crisis of the Democratic Order
• Rise of Popular Movements
• Regional aspirations
• Recent Developments in Indian Politics

Prescribed Books:

• Contemporary World Politics, Class XII, Published by NCERT
• Politics in India since Independence, Class XII, Published by NCERT

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