
NCERT Solutions for Class 10th Hindi Sanchyan II संचयन II - Free PDF Download

Sanchyan II textbook is the supplementary textbook for Class 10th student of Hindi Course B. In the examination, long answer questions are asked from this textbook therefore, it is very necessary to understand the chapters. There are total three chapters in this textbook. Here, we have provided NCERT Solutions for Class 10th Hindi Sanchyan II which will help you in getting marks in the exams. The answers are in a detailed and pointwise manner which you can understand easily. Click on the given chapters to get started.
NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Hindi Sanchayan II

Class 10 Hindi Sanchayan II NCERT Textbook Solutions

    कक्षा 10 हिंदी 'ब' पाठ्यक्रम के लिए पूरक पाठ्यक्रम के निर्माण में विद्यार्थियों की पूर्जित भाषा योग्यता, बौद्धिक क्षमता एवं रुचि को ध्यान में रखते हुए यह प्रयास किया गया है कि इसके माध्यम से वे विभिन्न साहित्यिक विधाओं की विशेषताओं से परिचित हों और उनमें स्वाध्याय की प्रवृत्ति भी विकसित हो। यह भी प्रयत्न किया गया है कि जो साहित्यिक विधाएँ दसवीं कक्षा की मुख्य पाठ्यपुस्तक स्पर्श भाग 2 और पाठ्यपुस्तक संचयन भाग 2  में सम्मिलित की गयी हैं वो विद्यार्थियों का बौद्धिक विकाश करे । इस दृष्टि से इस पुस्तक में कहानी, आत्मकथा एवं उपन्यास अंश को स्थान दिया गया है। इनके अध्ययन से अपेक्षा की जाती है कि विद्यार्थी इन विविध विधाओं की शैलीगत विशेषताओं से परिचित हो सकेंगे।
    प्रस्तुत पुस्तक में कहानी, आत्मकथ्य अंश और उपन्यास अंश को लिया गया है। इन विधाओं के द्वारा निम्नलिखित विधाओं की शैलीगत विशिष्टता से छात्र परिचित होने के साथ-साथ परिवार, समाज और सांस्कृतिक परिवेश की पृष्ठभूमि पर रचित रचनाओं से भी परिचित हो सकेंगे।

    पाठ 1- हरिहर काका

    In the story, Harihar Kaka is an old and childless person, though his whole family is complete. There is also a Thakurbadi in the village where he is living. In the story, it is shown how both of them exploited Harihar Kaka for his wealth.

    पाठ 2- सपनों के-से दिन

    The story deals with the school life of the writer which is written in a humorous way. This chapter deals with the village school where children were not very much interested in the study.

    पाठ 3- टोपी शुक्ला 

    In this chapter, we will study the fraternity between Hindu and Muslims children and their families. 

    Frequently Asked Questions on Class 10 Hindi Sanchayan II NCERT Solutions

    How many books we have to study in NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Hindi Course B

    There are two books of Hindi in each course. We have to study Sprash-II and Sanchayan-II in Class 10. Students need to study both the textbooks published by NCERT. Questions can be asked from any of these books in CBSE board examinations.

    How many chapter are there in the Sanchayan-II textbook Class 10 Hindi?

    There are total 3 chapters in NCERT Sanchayan-II textbook of Class 10 Hindi. This is Hindi Course B. Students studying in CBSE medium need to study each and every chapter to obtain high marks in Hindi. The name of the chapters are: पाठ 1- हरिहर काका, पाठ 2- सपनों के-से दिन, पाठ 3- टोपी शुक्ला

    In how many parts CBSE Hindi course of Class 10 is divided?

    There are two courses in CBSEHindi Class 10 which are:
    (i) Hindi Course A
    (ii) Hindi Course B
    In hindi course A, there are two books which are Kritika-II and Kshitij-II.
    In Hindi Course B, there are also two books namely Sparsh and Sanchayan.
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